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Is Bronny James Getting Too Much Criticism For His Summer League Performances?

Bronny James has received a lot of criticism for his Summer League play.

Coming into the draft there was a lot of reports about Bronny James. Some of them were his agent Rich Paul saying he wouldn’t sign a two-way contract, and limiting his draft workouts. Even on draft night, it came out that Rich Paul was telling teams not to draft Bronny or he is playing overseas. That way they could get Bronny to the team they wanted him to go to. Ultimately he was drafted by the Los Angeles Lakers at pick 55. Because of how everything went down, people were saying that he is only in the NBA because of LeBron James. He should have stayed in college one more year, he isn’t good enough to be in the NBA.

However, the Los Angeles Lakers and other people have been in full support of Bronny James and saying they drafted him for a reason and that he does belong in the NBA. Now that Bronny has played a couple of games in the Summer League and hasn’t played particularly well besides the last game. In which he had 12 points shooting 5-11 from the field and 2-5 from three. However, there is still a lot of criticism about his play in the Summer League and it doesn’t help when people think he is only there because of his Dad. So, the question becomes is he receiving too much criticism for his performance so far, or is the criticism valid?

Is Bronny James Getting Too Much Criticism For His Summer League Performances?

Bronny James Was Only a Second Round Pick

People are quick to forget that Bronny is only a second-round draft pick. He wasn’t drafted in the first round. Because of that, his slow start to his NBA career should be understood. Players drafted in the second round don’t have everything put together right away. That is why they are selected in the second round. However, people are acting like Bronny is a first-round pick and criticizing his performance because of that. He isn’t going to come to the Summer League averaging 15-plus points and shooting with great efficiency. Second-round picks don’t do that. What you want to see is growth and improvement and he has shown that so far.

Being LeBron James’s Son

Another reason he is being criticized is being LeBron James’s son. LeBron is arguably the greatest basketball player ever and people expect his son Bronny James to be a great NBA player as well. Just because Bronny is LeBron’s son the expectations for him are already high. People think he should just come out of the gate being dominant. With how poorly his Summer League performances have been, it is easy for people to criticize him because of the expectations that were put on him. However, if you remove his last name and just view him as a second-round pick. His play would be valid and there wouldn’t be criticism out there about him.

The Media Attention

Bronny James is getting way more media attention than any second-round pick has ever gotten. This is a lot of pressure to put on a kid who is also the son of one of the greatest basketball players ever. In addition, all the things Rich Paul did during his pre-draft process as well on draft night. Usually, you see those kinds of things from a top prospect agent and not one that isn’t. With everything that is surrounding him, all the expectations, being LeBron’s son, people thinking he forced his way to the Lakers, and all the media attention he’s getting. It just makes it that much easier for people to criticize Bronny when he hasn’t performed well in the Summer League.

Bronny James is a Project Player

To go along with him being a second-round pick. Bronny James was always considered to be a project player. With him being a project player it is expected for him to struggle from the start. JJ Redick even said that he is a “development player.” It is ok if he struggles early on. You just want to see improvements and flashes of what potentially could be there. So far in the Summer League even with his struggles. You can see those improvements with him getting more comfortable at the NBA level. Also, you see flashes of great defense from him in hoping one day he becomes that 3-and-D player you hoped for.

The Last Word

Finally, with all of the attention he is getting, being LeBron’s son, and other things around him. It is a lot easier for people to want to criticize him for his bad play in the Summer League. However, with him being a second-round pick it just seems like most of the criticism for him is not valid. More people have to remove the name from his jersey and see him for what he is a second-round developmental player. Then you judge and evaluate Bronny James’s play on that and not on the other things.


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