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Did the Pistons Reach with Their First-Round Draft Pick?

The Pistons drafted Ron Holland with the fifth overall pick.

In the first round of the 2024 NBA draft, the Detroit Pistons made a splash by selecting Ron Holland. Holland, the second overall high school recruit in 2023, spent one season with the G-League Ignite before becoming draft-eligible. This pick, the first big surprise in a draft full of twists, has fans buzzing. On the surface, Holland is an athletic, ultra-aggressive two-way wing. However, his poor shooting from mid-range and three-point range doesn’t solve the Pistons’ persistent spacing issues.

Holland’s selection raises questions about the current roster. With Ausar Thompson drafted at the same spot last season and possessing a similar skill set, many speculate if this move signals a potential trade. In an offseason where GM Trajan Langdon has been applauded for his savvy decisions, could drafting Holland be his first misstep? How does Holland fit with a Pistons team desperate to rebound from their worst season in franchise history? Let’s dive into it.

Did the Pistons Reach with Their First-Round Draft Pick?

Ron Holland On The Pistons Is Must See-TV

Last season, the Pistons struggled to capture the attention of fans. While it was encouraging to see some young players progress, the team lacked the on-court excitement that gets fans talking and filling seats. The roster needed that electrifying presence, one player who can turn a mundane game into a highlight reel. Enter Ron Holland.

From day one, Holland has the potential to inject a much-needed dose of excitement into the Pistons’ lineup. His blazing speed and exceptional athleticism make him a must-watch player, especially on the fastbreak. Imagine Holland sprinting down the court, effortlessly outpacing defenders, and finishing with a thunderous dunk—that can energize the entire arena. His ability to grab a rebound and take it coast-to-coast adds another layer of unpredictability and thrill to his game.

It’s great to have players who can grind out tough plays and do the dirty work, but Holland brings an added flair and dynamism. He’s the player who can make a spectacular block on one end and then race down the court for a jaw-dropping finish on the other. His on-court presence promises highlight-reel moments, giving fans a reason to tune in and cheer louder.

Another Non-Shooter For Fred Vinson To Develop

Holland excelled in the open court but struggled with consistency in the half-court offense, often going cold on more nights than not. His main issues were creating his shot and hitting shots outside the paint. Holland shot just 24% from three-point range and 28% from mid-range. While his athleticism will earn him playing time, his shooting needs significant improvement to become a key contributor.

This is where Fred Vinson comes in. As the shooting coach for the New Orleans Pelicans for 14 seasons, Vinson has transformed the shooting abilities of players like Lonzo Ball, Herb Jones, and Jose Alvarado. Now, Vinson will focus on enhancing the perimeter shooting skills of both Thompson and Holland.

The Future of Ausar Thompson and Ron Holland with the Pistons

Every player counts when you’re building a team, especially those with the growth potential. Some may see a challenge with this selection due to the similar play styles of Holland and Thompson. However, both players have the potential to become dominant two-way forces. Thompson has already demonstrated his ability to disrupt the opposition’s best perimeter players when healthy and focused.

Although Thompson, like Holland, has struggled with his shooting—hitting only 18% from three-point range and 59% from the foul line—these issues can be addressed. Thompson faced similar doubts coming out of Overtime Elite, but improvements are possible with dedicated work in the offseason and summer league.

Both players are currently brimming with potential. As they continue to develop, they could become integral pieces of the team. Their size and versatility allow them to play multiple positions, which could be a significant advantage. While the Pistons might initially limit their playing time together due to shooting concerns, keep an eye out for these two as they enhance their shooting and consistency on both ends of the court. Their future impact could be formidable.

Acquiring Assets To Flip Them?

Something tells me Langdon has a plan in motion! Drafting the same type of player two seasons in a row seems unusual, suggesting there’s more at play. While some may argue that Thompson isn’t a typical “Langdon guy,” the decision to pick him indicates otherwise. Speculation suggests the Pistons add veteran depth and young assets through the draft as part of a strategic plan.

Brandon Ingram has been linked to the Pistons in various discussions. His familiarity with Langdon and his potential to complement Cade Cunningham make him an intriguing target. With Holland now in the mix, it’s worth considering if the Pistons might assemble a package involving Isaiah Stewart, Jaden Ivey, and either Thompson or Holland to acquire that much-needed veteran presence. This is a situation to keep an eye on this summer.

The Last Word

The Detroit Pistons’ selection of Ron Holland in the first round of the 2024 NBA Draft has sparked both excitement and speculation. While Holland’s athleticism and dynamic playstyle promise to bring much-needed excitement to the team’s lineup, his shooting struggles present an ongoing challenge. Shooting coach Fred Vinson could help unlock Holland’s and Thompson’s potential by improving their shooting skills.

Ultimately, the Pistons’ fans have reason to be optimistic. With Holland’s electrifying presence and his and Thompson’s potential development, Detroit could soon see a resurgence. The upcoming season and off-season moves will determine if these young assets can make the Pistons a formidable force.

Grade: B+


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