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NBA Rumors: Otto Porter Potential Buyout

Otto Porter is temporarily a member of the Orlando Magic. They are tanking and have no use for an expiring Porter. He is making over $28 million this season and will not help with the Magic’s tank. It makes too much sense for them to buy him out. With that being said, this is still only hypothetical. But, just for fun, let’s say Porter does get bought out. Who will he consider? Will he be the best buyout player available? Let’s take a look

NBA Rumors: Otto Porter Potential Buyout

Otto Porter Player Profile

Before we can identify the teams that Porter would make sense for, we need to examine what kind of player he is. What would make Porter unique and stand out from the players on the buyout market is his size and shooting capability. Three and D players like Porter are extremely valuable commodities in the NBA, which is part of the reason his current contract is so pricey. The buyout market usually has players who can either shoot or defend, not both.

Porter is not an elite defender but at 6’8 with long arms, he will get the job done. He is also lights out from deep as he is a career 40 percent three-point shooter. Over his past five seasons, he is a 42 percent three-point shooter. These are elite marks. Out of all players to make at least 300 three-pointers over the past five seasons, Porter ranks fifth in three-point percentage.

Where does he Fit?

Three and D wings are the most valuable role players in the sport right now. So Porter essentially fits everywhere. Any playoff team could use a player like Porter. However, not every team can provide Porter with the same opportunity.

If his goal is to be a starter on a playoff team, then his best bet would probably be the Indiana Pacers, Dallas Mavericks, or Denver Nuggets. They all could use a tall small forward who can make open threes for them.

If his goal is to be in a big market then I am sure both Los Angeles and New York teams would be glad to take him. He wouldn’t start for most of those teams but three of them are legit title contenders and would all appreciate having an extra shooter on the wing. You can never have too many shooters.

Where Will Porter End Up?

Ultimately if Porter does get bought out, it seems more than likely that he would go to one of the two teams everyone has been clamoring about;  The Brooklyn Nets and the Los Angeles Lakers. The Nets have a disabled player exception so they can offer Porter more than the league minimum if money is a concern for him. Not to mention that the Nets and Porter have history.

In 2017, when Porter was a restricted free agent, the Nets offered Porter a deal that ultimately got matched by the Washington Wizards. So there might be an inkling for Porter to return to his original destination all those years ago.

All that being said, unless Porter prefers warm weather and the color yellow, he is destined to become a Brooklyn Net.

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