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To Retire or Not: A Wright Decision

Wright may make a crucial decision on his future with the Mets. His health may be the ultimate test for him if he should retire or not.

David Wright may or may not be successful in his courageous attempt back from one of many setbacks that he has faced for approximately two long seasons now. We all know that a diagnosis of spinal stenosis has set back the captain who is 34-years-old. Wright started playing rehab games in St. Lucie, but recently his rehab assignment has been terminated due to shoulder pain. He will be re-examined later this week.

To Retire or Not: A Wright Decision

Third base is a huge commitment, and a position that will require a huge deal of stamina. If the ailing and aging Wright can barely play a full healthy season anymore, this will be the biggest challenge and the ultimate test. The back issues will present a challenge while Wright would defend the hot corner.

If Wright feels he is able to make a successful comeback after this, he may be doing so for a sense of pride or true determination. However, his recent medical history may be a haunting factor that could possibly throw him off of his path.

Wright has done wonders for this organization: 10-plus years of pure joy, ultimate class and professionalism, while also displaying a solid playing career and being the face of this franchise. It is in a player’s attitude to go out there being natural born competitors, and fierce ones at that, but when medically enough is enough, the realization may be difficult to settle with.

This leads to the road that Wright may go down sooner than he wanted or expected. The Captain may not realize that his time is coming to an end. Productivity is essential for a ballclub that desperately needs their players to be healthy and consistent. The fact that he may not be physically able to meet the needs and expectations of this ballclub, poses a real problem.

The 2017 New York Mets should be an example of the changes needed for 2018. In all honesty, the Mets should look to other options that can last at third base. Durability, productivity, and youth should be on the player resume when finding a suitable third baseman. While Wright is loved and a fan favorite, his health is critical and he will struggle if the Mets play him at third and brush off his illnesses just to bring him back.

No one can accurately say for sure what will be in store for Wright and his return attempt to the major league level of competitiveness. He may show a huge deal of heart and perseverance, however his durability will be the proving factor in what he has left to offer a team who is needy for healthy starting players. Wright should take that into high consideration, as his body may be telling him that enough is enough. Whether he ignores it or he acknowledges it is his decision and it will be a crucial one for a team who has appreciated his long beloved list of accomplishments on a great career.
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