Shall We Dance…Again? Natural Vibes Reunite To End 2020

Natural Vibes Reunite

A lot transpired at the last Dragon Gate event at Kobe Sambo Hall. It was the last event of the year for Dragon Gate. After this event, there will be nothing that goes on until 2021. No live events, or nothing of that nature. This is coming off of Final Gate where we saw Toryumon Generation disband. As well as a freak accident with Ben-K. Who Dragon Gate announced for the time being will be out of action until further notice. So a key big name in the main event scene, as well as the Dragon Gate Generation is out. In the main event, we saw Masquerade versus Dragon Gate Generation in the main event. Which saw Masquerade emerge victorious and KZY suffer another loss adding to the pile of losses for him recently.

Natural Vibes Reunite

After the match, Keisuke Okuda asked leader YAMATO if there ia a point in continuing Dragon Gate Generation anymore. YAMATO said he’s 39 and isn’t getting younger, as well as a lot of injuries in the group. So his mind was made up win or lose he was ending Dragon Gate Generation. Everyone said their farewell then KZY sat in the middle of the ring by himself heartbroken. Until he was visited by some old friends in Genki Horiguchi and Susumu Yokosuka. Genki basically said that Toryumon is no more, and neither is Dragon Gate Generation. He told him that they should reform Natural Vibes. However, they needed their leader, before extending their hands to KZY.

Natural Vibes was a group that KZY led that consisted of him, Genki, Susumu, Punch Tominaga, and Brother Yasshi. KZY temporarily disbanded the group so they could be in the generational war. So they didn’t dissolve which has allowed them to reunite. KZY shook their hands and they all noted that they will be looking for new members. With Yasshi seemingly not in Dragon Gate for the time being, and Punch in Team Boku. They are down members and need new ones. They then said they will be holding auditions for new members on January 19th in Kobe Sambo Hall.

Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on this and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world, as well as to provide you with analysis, previews, videos, interviews, and editorials on the wrestling world. Looking to watch Dragon Gate and see Natural Vibes reunite? All their live shows will be on their steaming service Dragon Gate Network.

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