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New Spurs Stadium Needs Settling Period

The new Spurs stadium is built on the same site but it has a different dynamic to the old stadium. It will take time to adjust to this new arena.

The new Spurs stadium enters its final stages of construction. It won’t be ready for the first Premier League home match, which will take place at Wembley against Fulham. Fans will be eager to enter their new home for the first time. However, fans should end any expectations of a replica of White Hart Lane’s atmosphere and feel. The stadium is built on roughly the same site but nevertheless, it has a different dynamic to the old stadium. It will take time to adjust and a new history will need to be shaped.

New Spurs Stadium Needs Settling Into

Wembley Curse

Last season, Wembley was a poisoned chalice for Tottenham. When initial home results didn’t quite go their way, the media were quick to strike. They claimed that Wembley was a cursed ground for the club, who would surely struggle to achieve anything that season. However, Spurs pushed on and only lost two matches at home. They had the fifth best home record in the league last year. This isn’t that impressive and arguably the home record should have been better. But, indeed, the club were away from home all season at Wembley and still achieved third place and Champions League qualification.

There could be a similar effect with the new stadium. The new capacity of 61,559 massively trumps White Hart Lane’s capacity of around 36,000. Thus, at full capacity, there should be a wall of noise. But, the new stadium could well turn out to be a cavernous bowl like Wembley was at times. However, it is under construction with the atmosphere in consideration and a close distance to the pitch in mind.

A new stadium means new pitch dimensions. It also means the club will be able to dictate what kind of pitch they desire. Wembley was a larger pitch than White Hart Lane, and this may have been a factor in the initial struggle last season. However, the players adapted. This time around the club should be able to manipulate the dimensions to suit the play style and the personnel they wish to use.

Bright Future

Spurs have taken a massive step in building a bright future. The old stadium was beautiful, full of memories and moments that will always be remembered. But it was dated, and the demand for tickets meant very few new fans could get to the biggest games. With the increased capacity, almost double the number of fans can watch a match. This is great for the fanbase and great for the club. Gate sales will increase. Freezing the pricing categories for this season is a positive move. This is especially since prices for the Category A matches are already very expensive for the supporters.

Upgrading to the new stadium is also a beacon for incoming players. It is a landmark to prove Tottenham is a big club with the resources to build a brand new stadium, to found new history and to seek new silverware. However, Spurs may not be able to bring in many top talents in the coming seasons. So far, the club have not bought in any major signings. The sheer cost of the stadium could rise as far as £1bn. Spurs are yet to announce the naming rights of the new stadium. This deal may well cover a significant chunk of the expenses of the construction. But, Daniel Levy has already been keeping a tight budget and this does not look likely to change.

The Last Word

Spurs new stadium will be magnificent. With a huge capacity, and a cornucopia of added services, food and retail, it will undoubtedly boost the club as a whole. However, players and fans alike must adjust to their new surroundings. But, this new arena will provide the foundations for a new era and a new place to write history once more.

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