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Former White Sox Shortstop Tim Anderson Illustrates Team’s Issues

Former Chicago White Sox shortstop Tim Anderson recently took some time to talk about his last year with his former team. The dysfunction with the White Sox has been written about a lot these last few months. As players free themselves of the clutches of the White Sox, more stories seem to come out about the inner workings of the clubhouse and the team. Some interviews have taken place among former Sox, including Anderson (now with the Miami Marlins), that have shed some light on things.

Tim Anderson Discusses End of White Sox Tenure

In an article from The, Anderson talked a bit about the White Sox and what they were like to play for. Asked about his last year with the team, he said:

“I just know that the last year that I spent there was tough”, he said. “And then finally to make it through and be on the other side, I’m happy. I’m in a great place. My smile’s back. I’m back on my journey.”

The article also mentioned that Anderson had, “year after year”, asked the White Sox for extensions. The extension didn’t come, so Anderson would ultimately have to move on.

Anderson was quoted as saying:

“You’re not going to always spend your whole career with one team, and I understood that,” he said. “We all know how it works. We understood that it was time for them to go their way and me to go my way.”

The former White Sox shortstop then discussed the fall of the White Sox after winning the AL Central in 2021.

“A lot of my decisions as well, you know, off the field, kind of interrupted a lot of things as well. We understood that,” he said. “And it’s hard to win when you don’t’ have the right guys to go out and compete…and that want to win it.”

In The End

The White Sox let Anderson go at the end of the 2023 season, refusing to renew his contract. Most everyone could see the writing on the wall as they knew he was heading out of town. It sounds like he’s in a much better and likely happier place now that he’s no longer in Chicago. Maybe a fresh start was all that he needed.

What about the White Sox themselves? Are they better off without Anderson? The White Sox could have used the Anderson from years before and not the 2023 version to help get them through what they are experiencing right now. This team has it tough and needs all the good players it can get. The Anderson from back in his batting title days would be ideal in a White Sox uniform right about now.

The Sox have to take the good with the bad. Things weren’t working out well for Anderson last year, and it was affecting the rest of the team. Who’s to say that the problems would spill over into this season and cause more trouble? Of course, the White Sox are in so much trouble right now that Anderson’s problems would pale in comparison to what they are currently going through with all facets of the team.

Letting Anderson go was good for both Anderson and the White Sox. Both sides should honestly have no regrets and should leave each other be.


Photo Credit: © Kamil Krzaczynski-USA TODAY Sports


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