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Alex Cora as the Chief Baseball Officer of the Red Sox

After the somewhat shocking firing of Chief Baseball Officer Chaim Bloom, there has been speculation in New England that Alex Cora may become the Red Sox Chief Baseball Officer, effective next season.

The Red Sox Chief Baseball Officer Could Be Alex Cora

It could be the keyword. Surprisingly, the front office chose Cora over Bloom regarding who the Red Sox would fire and who they would keep. One of the more significant issues was that Bloom signed players without considering what Cora wanted. Eventually, the front office realized Bloom and Cora could not coexist. As a disappointing season is nearing a close, the front office decided they had seen enough and let Bloom go. Could Cora become Chief Baseball Officer, a position where he would have more say in on-field talent?

Why Cora Could Become the Chief Baseball Officer

All indications are that Cora will remain the Red Sox manager. While it is extremely rare for a baseball manager to hold a front office position, it would not be unheard of among the five major professional North American sports. While Cora is content with being a manager, money is always a huge factor in motivating people to do something they may not want. If Cora were offered enough money, seeing him take on both roles would not be surprising. He would have what he has wanted for a long time: an opportunity to choose the players he wants. Could Cora simultaneously hold both roles as manager and Chief Baseball Officer and be effective in both roles?

Why Cora Would Not Become the Chief Baseball Officer

One of the most significant factors maybe logistics. To take on both roles could prove extremely difficult. A Chief Baseball Officer has many responsibilities off the diamond. The manager has the burden of preparing his players to be ready as well as strategizing during games.

Jason Varitek as Manager

If the front office asks Cora to do what is in the team’s best interest, he may feel comfortable becoming the Chief Baseball Officer only. A name mentioned as a potential manager candidate is the current Red Sox Game Planning Coordinator, Jason Varitek. In this role, Varitek has worked closely with Cora. Both won a World Series together as teammates in 2007. If Cora feels the team is in good hands with Varitek as manager, becoming Chief Baseball Officer will be an easier decision for Cora.


It will be interesting to see whether or not Alex Cora becomes the next Chief Baseball Officer of the Boston Red Sox. If Cora is offered enough money, he may attempt to take on both the Chief Baseball Officer and manager roles. While logistically, it would appear such an arrangement would be unlikely, it does not mean it would be impossible. If Cora had the opportunity to have more of a say in on-field talent acquisition, the possibility of him attempting to take on both roles would be more likely, despite the logistical problems taking on both parts will cause. It is doubtful Cora would take on the Chief Baseball Officer role solely. Cora loves being a manager and being around the team.


Main Photo Credits: Kim Klement Neitzel-USA TODAY Sports


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