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The Giants Recent Winning Streak Is Something to Build On

Giants winning streak

It is truly amazing how the San Francisco Giants are picking up their game after a discouraging recent five-game losing streak. One of two things must be at play here. Either the poor results of last week were reminiscent of a small sample size, or the Giants have really been picking up and mustering their talent over the past few days. In reality, it’s probably a combination of the two things.

The Giants Winning Streak

The Roster Can Be Productive if Consistent

Credible predictors knew from the start that potential playoff talent was present in the Giants roster. Particularly, their home run power was taken into account as a factor that could add value. After all, when baserunners end up stranded, they do no good. But having guys that hit home runs at the right time ignites rallies early and late in the game. On top of that, the pitching was, for the most part, considered highly encouraging.

But, as we know from experience, the Giants don’t always live up to expectations. The past few years put aside, it was super discouraging how they performed last week. It begged the question: do we just have to admit that the Giants ruined their chances once and for all in the offseason? Is it actually that bad? It was clearly obvious that they needed to be picked up soon.

After the Disappointment, Things Got Better

The Giants didn’t stay in the dust. Tuesday’s game almost ended in disaster after the Giants blew their lead in the eighth, but Blake Sabol came through with the game-winning home run in the bottom of the ninth. Now, they have not only taken the series against the St. Louis Cardinals but may also be close to solving their issue with left-handed pitching.

While at 11-13, their record still doesn’t look great. Even though their five-game winning streak is snapped, the Giants went 5-3 against the Cardinals and New York Mets. Let’s hope the Giants winning streak is only the beginning.

Photo Credit: © D. Ross Cameron-USA TODAY Sports

Players mentioned:

Blake Sabol


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