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Lucha Underground Review for 4/8/15

Welcome to the Lucha Underground Review for the April 8, 2015 episode on El Rey Network where we don’t just cover what happened, but who had the edge in their performance on the night.

El Jefe And His Gold

The show opened with owner Dario Cueto in his office speaking with Prince Puma and Konnan. The Boss informed The Lucha Underground Champion that he will be involved in the Trios Championship Tournament, so he needs to find two partners. Dario also added that Puma’s match later on that night, would be for the Lucha Underground Championship.

Son Of Havoc, Ivelisse, Angelica vs. Drago, Aero Star, Fenix – Trios Championship Tournament

The battle of two dysfunctional teams, with Havoc, Ivelisse, and Angelico involved in a love/hate triangle of sorts, and Drago and Aero Star whose emotions from their best of five series spilled into this tournament match. Virtually everyone in the match got spiked to the mat with a DDT of some sort, not to mention the flurry of kicks between Drago and Angelico. Things looked bleak when Ivelisse left her former

Edge: Despite the loss, I give the edge in this match to Drago, Aero Star and Fenix. Overall they had a great chemistry and gave much more than they received in this match. Had it not been for the animosity between Aero Star and Drago, I believe the outcome may have been different.


Trust In The Temple

Prince Puma is on the hunt for two tag partners for the Trios tournament. Konnan informed him that Hernandez would be a perfect partner although the look on Puma’s face would lead you to believe he does not agree. This is when Johnny Mundo chimes in, explaining to Konnan that Puma already asked him to be one of his partners. Mundo really raises the ire of Konnan, which makes you wonder how successful a team can be when there is no trust.


Super Fly vs. Sexy Star – Mask vs. Mask

Never let it be said that Dario Cueto doesn’t know how to make things interesting. Knowing that Sexy Star and Super Fly are allies, he decided to give them something to fight for, making this a mask vs mask match. Usually reserved as a blow off for a big feud, it’s interesting to see the stipulation thrown in on such a whim.

Super Fly took on a more heel role in the match, but it was clearly out of desperation, not wanting to lose his hood. He took it to Sexy Star, but she gave it right back in kind. The action spilled to the outside as Sexy hit a beautiful cross body from the top rope to the floor. Super Fly began to take control and thought he had the match in the bag as he went for a flying moonsault, but it would prove to be his downfall as Sexy got out of harm’s way and rolled Super Fly up for the one, two, three.

After the match, Super Fly honoured the stipulation and took a knee in front of his opponent telling Sexy Star to remove his mask. The emotion in not only Super Fly’s eyes, but Sexy’s eyes as well, told the tale of honour and heartbreak. Reluctantly Sexy Star removed the mask from Super Fly and the two embraced in the centre of the ring.

All honour went out the window when Pentagon Jr. hit the ring. Hell bent on finishing what he started last week, Pentagon disposed of Sexy Star and applied his arm breaker hold to the newly unmasked Super Fly. Sexy reached her injured friend too late, the damage had been done, however, the fire in Sexy Star’s eyes as she stared down Pentagon Jr. all but confirms that these two haven’t seen the last of one another.

Edge: The match overall was a dead heat, which, when two luchadores are fighting for their masks, is exactly what you want. It’s about honour and passion and both Super Fly and Sexy Star brought that in spades. If I had to give the edge to one of them, it would Be Sexy for being able to capitalize on Super Fly’s mistake, but up until those final moments it was even.


Prince Puma (w/ Hernandez and Johnny Mundo) vs. King Cuerno (w/ Cage and Texano) – Lucha Underground Championship Match

A great match from two of the best in Lucha Underground. Despite their similar builds, they each have a very distinctive style with Puma relying on his speed and agility while Cuerno, no slouch in the agility department either, uses a more methodical pace.

As expected the outside company got involved, Cage and Texano first before the odds were evened by Hernandez and Mundo. As the action got more heated it was Mundo who provided one of the best spots of the match, hitting the opposition with a twisting plancha to the outside. King Cuerno and Prince Puma finally made it back into the ring, each with a little help, where Puma secured the victory with a little assist from Hernandez.

Edge: King Cuerno. Prince Puma has proven time and again that he is one of the most resilient men to set foot in a ring, which is a valuable asset there’s no doubt, but when it came to offense in this match, the hunter, King Cuerno had the edge. His slow deliberate pace set the tone for the match.

See you next week on the Lucha Underground Review.

Photo from Lucha Underground Facebook.


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