#ANDNew: Rhett Titus Wins ROH Television Title

___ ROH Television Title

Rhett Titus is the new Ring of Honor (ROH) World Television Champion. Titus competed against three other men, including former champion Dalton Castle at Final Battle to win the ROH Television title.

Rhett Titus Captures ROH Television Title At Final Battle

Titus had to outlast Castle, Silas Young, and Joe Hendry to win the Television Title.

Titus will be the final Television Champion in this generation of Ring of Honor. The match broke down quickly after the referee was inadvertently knocked out of the ring. After the referee was knocked out, Hendy grabbed the TV Title and struck Castle with it. Dak Draper who was on commentary hit the ring to take down Hendry.

The chaos left just Young and Titus in the ring. Titus was able to pick up the win and become the new ROH Television Champion after pinning Young. Titus is a member of The Foundation stable and is a previous two-time ROH Tag Team Champion. This is his first reign as Television Champion in Ring of Honor. The Foundation accompanied him to the ring minus Jay Lethal. Lethal has been at odds with the stable since being caught on camera saying negative things about the group.

Stay tuned to Last Word on Sports for more Final Battle updates as they become available.

To see where you can watch ROH on TV or see the latest episode of ROH TV click here. For all things ROH, check out Honor Club. or their YouTube channel for WOH Wednesday and ROH Week by Week.

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