Preview: DRAGONGATE Memorial Gate 2023 in Wakayama(03/18/23)

DRAGONGATE Memorial Gate 2023 in Wakayama

DRAGONGATE returns to Wakayama for the 2023 Memorial Gate event, and this year there are three championship matches on the card. While there is usually a few title matches on these Wakayama shows, overall this card is the strongest one Wakayama has seen in recent memory. Let’s take a look at what you can expect when the bell rings.

DRAGONGATE Memorial Gate 2023: Full Match Card

  • Open The Triangle Gate Championship: Kota Minoura, BxB Hulk, and Ben-K(c) vs Don Fuji, Kaito Nagano, and Yoshiki Kato
  • Susumu Mochizuki and Yasushi Kanda vs Shachihoko Boy and Takashi Yoshida
  • Jason Lee, Jacky “Funky” Kamei, and Ho Ho Lun vs Shun Skywalker, KAI, and H.Y.O
  • Strong Machine J vs Dragon Kid
  • Yuki Yoshioka, Dragon Dia, and Madoka Kikuta vs Naruki Doi, Shuji Kondo, and Genki Horiguchi
  • Ryukyu Dragon Ryuou Championship: YAMATO(c) vs Teelan Shisa
  • Open The Twin Gate Championship: KZY and BIG BOSS Shimizu(c) vs Masaaki Mochizuki and Mochizuki Junior

Open The Triangle Gate Championship: Kota Minoura, BxB Hulk, and Ben-K(c) vs Don Fujii, Kaito Nagano, and Yoshiki Kato

Don Fujii has gained notoriety for his outright abuse of rookies during matches, as he punishes them and really tests if they’re cut out for DRAGONGATE. Now he finds himself teaming with two of those rookies he has tormented in Yoshiki Kato and Kaito Nagano. Nagano and Kato have become quite the tag team essentially since Kato’s debut, but they haven’t had many opportunities to fine-tune a trio with Fujii. While it’s possible this unlikely trio becomes a force, they have a tall mountain to climb in the form of the champion team. GOLD CLASS has been on a roll since adding BxB Hulk to their ranks, and as of now this trio of Minoura, Hulk, and Ben-K looks unstoppable.

They recently successfully defended the championships back in Osaka against M3K, and there are no signs of them slowing down just yet. Fujii is going to have to use his experience to guide his young partners if there’s going to be a chance that they leave Wakayama with the Triangle Gate belts.

Ryukyu Dragon Ryuou Championship: YAMATO(c) vs Teelan Shisa

The Ryukyu Dragon Pro Wrestling Ryuou Championship is on the line in the semi-main. YAMATO portraying his narcissistic character that has been wreaking havoc down in Okinawa after taking the company’s top prize from Churaumi Saver. Going on to have successful defenses against both Ultra Soki and Shuri Joe. Another man was making some noise in the background, and that was Teelan Shisa. Shisa won the top singles tournament in Ryukyu Dragon Pro Wrestling to earn this shot against YAMATO. DRAGONGATE fans may remember Teelan Shisa from his Brave Gate challenge against H.Y.O. on the last Okinawa loop DRAGONGATE did.

YAMATO has been very harsh about Ryukyu Dragon Pro Wrestling, and its wrestlers. Calling them weekend warriors among other things. While Teelan and others have pushed back against his words trying to defend the honor of their home promotion. Can Teelan bring the Ryuou back to Ryukyu Dragon Pro Wrestling? Or will he be another “weekend warrior” that falls at the feet of The Almighty at DRAGONGATE Memorial Gate 2023?

Open The Twin Gate Championship: KZY and BIG BOSS Shimizu vs Masaaki Mochizuki and Mochizuki Junior

There’s honestly a lot of uncertainty surrounding this Open The Twin Gate match, and it’s due to the Mochizuki family squabble. Masaaki Mochizuki has insisted that Junior needs him, and he’s not ready to be on his own in big matches without him yet. Using Yasushi Kanda, Susumu Mochizuki, and Junior’s recent Triangle Gate challenge as proof. Junior on the other hand doesn’t want his dad trying to help him, he wants to get stronger on his own. Masaaki was the one who earned this match, and the champs were all for it. As it currently stands this could be an easy defense for KZY and BIG BOSS Shimizu if the Mochizukis don’t pull their act together.

The elder Mochizuki said Junior not listening is why they didn’t get results in the tag league, but he will lead them to victory. While Junior still maintains he won’t listen to his father and will win the belts himself. However, they will cooperate as a team. KZY and Shimizu have seemingly nothing to fear heading into this one, especially after their successful defense against Kikuta and Yoshioka in Osaka. Will the family that fights together, become Twin Gate champions together?

How to Watch DRAGONGATE Memorial Gate 2023 in Wakayama

Tune into DRAGONGATE Memorial Gate 2023 in Wakayama on March 18th on Dragon Gate Network at 3 pm Japan standard time.

Header photo: Dragon Gate Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on this and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world, as well as to provide you with analysis, previews, videos, interviews, and editorials on the wrestling world. Looking to watch Dragon Gate? All their live shows will be on their steaming service Dragon Gate Network. Looking to talk wrestling, pro football, or any number of sports? 


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