John Wayne Murdoch Wins GCW’s Nick Gage Invitational 7 Tournament

John Wayne Murdoch - Nick Gage Invitational 7 Winner

On November 12, Game Changer Wrestling held the Nick Gage Invitational 7, a deathmatch tournament pitting 9 fierce competitors against one another. This year’s show opened with the namesake of the tournament in question as GCW World Champion Nick Gage hyped the action to come. Following this, the matches began. This tournament’s competitors included Toshiyuki Sakuda, Sawyer Wreck, Big F’n Joe, John Wayne Murdoch, Hunter Freeman, Cole Radrick, current GCW Tag Team Champions Ciclope and Miedo Extremo, and NGI6 winner Alex Colon. Following a chaotic evening of deathmatch wrestling, it was John Wayne Murdoch that emerged victorious as the winner of the Nick Gage Invitational 7.

John Wayne Murdoch Wins Nick Gage Invitational 7

What to Know Following Deathmatch Tournament Victory

In one of the initial first-round matches, John Wayne Murdoch emerged victorious against Big F’n Joe. From there, Murdoch found himself taking on Cole Radrick in the semifinals; this match saw Murdoch planting Radrick with a Canadian Destroyer off the top rope for the victory. Meanwhile, Alex Colon, who verbalized his uncertainty as to whether this would be his final NGI, performed incredibly well; it’s worth noting that he won last year’s NGI6. Colon won his first-round match in the NGI7, which was a three-way bout against Hunter Freeman and Sawyer Wreck, before overcoming Ciclope in the semifinals. Following Murdoch’s semifinals win, Colon confronted him in the ring. Matters became volatile until Nick Gage intervened, telling the former GCW Tag Team Champions to wait for the finals.

The Nick Gage Invitational 7 finals between Colon and Murdoch featured everything from light tubes to glass panes to even a baseball bat covered with thumbtacks. Much like he did with Radrick in the semifinal match prior, Murdoch executed a Destroyer on Colon. However, this was done through a pane of glass. Despite this, Colon kicked out of the pinfall attempt. From there, Murdoch went for the submission, forcing his opponent to tap out. Following his NGI7 victory, Murdoch praised Colon and the two shook hands. Colon took the microphone, saying that he didn’t know if this would be his final NGI.

Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on this and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world, as well as to provide you with analysis, previews, videos, interviews, and editorials on the wrestling world. Catch a replay of the Nick Gage Invitational 7 on FITE.


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