Preview: Ring of Honor – ROH TV #497 (3/26/21) – First-Ever Pure Wrestling Gauntlet

ROH TV 497

The first Ring of Honor TV episode post 19th Anniversary will feature two matches. One of the matches in question is the first-ever Pure Wrestling Gauntlet Match. Let’s see what ROH TV #497 has in store for us this week.

ROH TV #497 Full Card

Pure Rules Gauntlet Match

No participants have been announced for this first-ever match type, but the ROH Pure Rules must be followed. This style of match has a 20-minute time limit, is only allowed three rope breaks, and bans closed fist strikes to the head. The first closed strike to the head gets a warning, with the second ending the match by disqualification. Competitors are encouraged to adhere to the Code of Honor, and any bout that goes past 20 minutes will go to a panel of judges to decide the winner. For this gauntlet match, the competitors’ closed fist warning and rope breaks will carry over into each match they are involved in. Once all rope breaks have been used by a wrestler, they can be pinned or submitted while holding or under the ring ropes. This provides for an interesting strategic approach. Use all rope breaks in your first match and you will be at a disadvantage later on, but saving the rope breaks and not advancing, as a result, would be worse. Competitors will really have to be careful here, something that should make this match all the more interesting.

Beer City Bruiser vs. Mike Bennett

During ROH TV #489 in January, Beer City Bruiser and Brawler Milonas (The Bouncers) took on Matt Taven and Mike Bennett (The OGK). The OGK picked up the victory over The Bouncers, but they did not leave unharmed. Bennett was still nursing injures caused by Bateman and Vincent to his leg. Although Bennett was cleared to wrestle, he was not 100%, as evidenced by his limp during his entrance and while wrestling in the match. During the match, Bruiser targeted the injured ankle of Bennett to try and get the upper hand. Bruiser tapped out to Taven to end the match.

The Code of Honor was adhered to as the Bouncers grabbed a few beers to toast with. Just as the celebration was about to start, Vincent and Bateman appeared on the stage and called out Bruiser. Vincent targeted his promo at Bruiser, asking him why he is celebrating and claiming Bruiser has no direction in ROH. Bruiser then smashed a beer bottle over the head of Taven and dropped Bennett, cementing his heel turn. Bennett is now looking to get revenge for both himself and Taven on ROH TV #497.

How to Watch ROH TV #497 and More

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