The Story So Far: 205 Live (10/17/18)

Coming off his huge title win in Melbourne, Victoria, Buddy Murphy, the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion, did not make an appearance on the show, but instead sent in a video promo, saying he will return to 205 Live when he’s good and ready. Clearly still a heel, he’ll stay off television for another week or two, as other feuds play out. The man from whom he took the belt, Cedric Alexander, suffered another loss last week against Tony Nese, in a lovely match. Alexander, after going almost a full year without a singles loss, dropped two matches in less than a week’s time. This upcoming week, both men are in a Fatal Five Way match, with title implications. Expect Alexander to win that one when it comes down to it, and then go on to win the belt again, because a babyface champion makes so much more sense right now. The only other strong babyface on the 205 Live roster is Mustafa Ali, but besides him, there would be no other top babyfaces to challenge a heel Murphy for his title, so his reign will be short. His title win isn’t a changing of the guard, but merely a detour, to capitalize on the feel good moment of him winning in his home town. They are still building to the rematch of this past WrestleMania, between Alexander and Ali, for next year’s WrestleMania.

Ali himself has a massive match against Hideo Itami this week, for 205 Live’s 100th episode, in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Ali has proven he can work a brawling stipulation match like this earlier in the year, when he best Buddy Murphy in a No Disqualification match. This is not Itami’s area of expertise, but he’s such a smart worker, that he won’t have any problem adjusting. That match will be given plenty of time, and will be one the better matches WWE will put on all year. It will mark the third match between these two; Itami won the first outing, and the second bout ended in a double countout after Ali hit a 450 splash in the apron. Ali will win the third match decisively, ending the feud, and moving him that much closer to his eventual title show.

Mike & Maria Kanellis made their 205 Live debut last week, when they interfered in the Lince Dorado versus Lio Rush match, attacking Dorado, thus giving him the win via disqualification. This is a great move for both of them. Mike can put on good matches here, and fresh talent is always necessary to shake things up for any brand. Maria is a great manager, and in a show where there aren’t any, her and Mike’s act will feel special and unique. Their feud with Dorado should be entertaining. For Rush, this was an atrocious way to end his undefeated streak on the show. It’s only a technicality, but it’s still a loss. Going forward, they’ll have to say he’s never been pinned or submitted instead of undefeated.

There was no mention of TJP’s feud with the Lucha House Party this week, an unusual oversight for typically logical show. Expect his match with Gran Metalik to payoff that angle to be coming up soon, so when these two participate in the Fatal Five Way main even this week, look for one man to cost the other the match, as the final set up for their blow off contest. Also, expect it to be an apuesto (betting) match, pitting Metalik’s mask against TJP hair.

This week, Akira Tozawa and Drew Gulak will go one on one, with Jack Gallagher cornering Gulak. Two week ago, Tozawa bested Gallagher, and Gulak and Gallgher proceeded to kick The Brian Kendrick out of their little trio. Their promo last week revolved around Kendrick much more than Tozawa, so look for Kendrick to show up during this one, and to set up a revenge angle for Kendrick. The main event will be Cedric Alexander, Tony Nese, TJP, Lio Rush, and Gran Metalik all taking part in a Fatal Five Way match. The 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick said that the winner will be a top contender for the title, but was careful to not say that it is a Number One Contender’s match, so don’t look for the winner to get an automatic title match booked. Instead, expect Alexander to win this one, and another big match next week, to prove himself to Drake Maverick that he’s worthy of another chance at his title.


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