RoadBlock Preview: Kevin Owens vs Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship

Kevin Owens vs Roman Reigns: On Sunday at WWE RoadBlock, WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens defends against Roman Reigns.

On Sunday at WWE RoadBlock, WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens defends against current United States Champion Roman Reigns. Can Reigns become a dual champion? Or will KO retain in what might just be a short term feud? Let’s take a look at Kevin Owens vs Roman Reigns at RoadBlock.


RoadBlock Preview: Kevin Owens vs Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship


The Challenger


Roman Reigns was Vince McMahon‘s chosen one, and the majority of the crowd has completely turned on him. This is not a John Cena reaction, however, as Cena at least has a majority of the under 13 crowd in his corner. Reigns cannot gain traction as a baby face, however, he continues to be booked as such. Recently, WWE has paired Reigns with his former SHIELD running mate Seth Rollins in what appears to be an attempt to get some fans behind Reigns. It has not worked out so well. 

Read More: RoadBlock Preview: Seth Rollins vs. Chris Jericho


Still, Reigns has always delivered when involved in main events of pay per views. Reigns has headlined with a multitude of wrestlers including Brock Lesnar, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose. Sure, Reigns could use some work on the microphone, but he can absolutely go in the ring when needed. 


Reigns is carrying the United States Championship, which is not being defended in this match. I believe that is key to the ending of this match, and will get to that in a little bit. 


The Champion


Kevin Owens has been great ever since winning the Universal Championship in August. He and his “best friend” Chris Jericho have been a breath of fresh air on RAW. Owens plays the role of the cocky and arrogant champion so well and should be champion for at least the foreseeable future. 


Interestingly, Owens is the complete opposite of Reigns in that he is supposed to be a “bad guy” but continues to get a very large positive response when his familiar music hits. Owens has a very long history in wrestling, which has helped garner a following in this day and age when fans want to see independent stars make it to the big show and be booked as the top guys. 

Read More: Main Event Radio: Interview with WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens


The Match


This match has been in the works for a while, and it feels like this is something that will be short term. Roman Reigns does not need the Universal Championship as much as Kevin Owens does not need to lose the title. It feels like this is a holdover feud until Finn Balor returns, which is rumored to be at the Royal Rumble.


Expect Kevin Owens to win the match and claim that since he won, he deserves a chance at winning the United Stated Championship in a match at the Royal Rumble. After that, Owens will transition to a short feud with his current (yet rocky) best friend Chris Jericho at the February RAW pay per view. After successfully defending against Jericho, Owens will have a Wrestlemania showdown with the Royal Rumble winner, Finn Balor. 


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