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Ice Cold Mamba Blood

We all remember it. The fearful day it all caught up to him. Kobe Bryant was pulling a routine drive that we have seen million of times throughout his career. A drive to the basket about to pass his defender and it happened. He crashed to the floor grimacing in pain and immediately reached for his ankle. Half of us did not know what happened as it was all so quick. But a close up on his face and you could tell this was not a normal injury, not something Kobe could shake off like he usually does.

He finally got up, agony in each step that he took. What happened next was nothing short of amazing. He heads toward the free throw line to shoot the final shots that he would take for the season. Truly it was an amazing moment in the game. Whether you love or hate Kobe Bryant, what he showed going back out there was incredible and truly what separates Kobe from almost all competition. It is what separates him as one of the greats of the game, his impenetrable heart for the game.

The post game interview was tough to watch. The injury had been determined to be a torn Achilles tendon. Fans could see the devastation in his face.

Later on that night in the morning hours, Kobe vented out his frustrations on Facebook.  He states how he couldn’t believe what had happened, how truly disappointed he was and then starts asking himself if this was the end. If he could ever return to top form at the age of thirty-five from an injury that has ended careers. Many reporters and fans alike believed that this was end for the amazing career the was Kobe Bryant.

Then the Black Mamba comes out. The Kobe that we all know, who has a passion for the game like no other, who has a love for the game that is unmatchable, who has the heart of a champion. Defeat? Kobe Bryant has never been one to concede defeat. Never one to accept failure. One that only ever wants to win.

It has been a little over three months since the injury. No-one is sure yet what Kobe we will see or when we will see him return. If he can ever return to elite status and be mentioned with the top players in the game. There have been reports of his recovery as he has kept fans posted on his recovery. Yet only Kobe knows Kobe’s body and what it can withstand. There are many doubters. Reports that I’ve seen saying Kobe will never be the same. Bryant should give it all up now.

But Mamba blood is ice cold. It does not take no for an answer.


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Main photo credit: swooshkidjm via photopin cc


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