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Lucha Crítica: Lucha Underground Week of July 22

Welcome to the Lucha Crítica, where I look at this week’s Lucha Underground. Find out what happened, who had the edge, and see just how big the card for Ultima Lucha has become.

Lucha Crítica: Lucha Underground Week of July 22


As has become standard, the show opened in Dario Cueto’s office with El Jefe talking with Big Ryck, explaining how he feels Ryck has gotten soft, particularly since aligning himself with Delavar Daivari. Cueto went on to say that he signed Ryck for a reason and that he sees something in him. Dario then revealed the seventh and final Ancient Aztec Medallion and asked Big Ryck what he preferred, money or power? As Ryck picked up the medallion he said “Why choose.” And without a word demanded some cash from Cueto, which he begrudgingly obliged, placing a wad of bills in Ryck’s hand.

I really have to give credit to Luis Fernandez-Gil, aka Dario Cueto. His facial expressions tell a million tales. I realize he’s an actor but his selling of a situation is often what really makes it, the man is good at his job.


Despite Johnny Mundo being a bit of a high flier, he stayed fairly grounded for most of this match, working Texano’s style which shows how versatile Johnny Mundo is. He can mix it up with a ground and pound style like Texano, then turn around and get airborne with someone else. The feet were flying hard and fast in this one, with no clear cut aggressor. Both men tried for their finishers but couldn’t quite pull it off, until the end of the match when it looked like Texano would hit his signature powerbomb. Even that wouldn’t come to pass however, because The Crew would stick their noses in, attacking Texano causing a disqualification.

Despite having a long standing beef with Cisco and Cortez, Mundo would join in as all three men laid the boots to Texano until Alberto El Patron would make the save, taking down The Crew while Mundo high tailed it for higher ground. When the dust settled it was only the former rivals Texano and El Patron left in the ring, but there was no love lost there. There was no handshake or a thank you, they simply stared across the ring until El Patron left the ring, leading the faithful in Lucha Libre chants.

Edge: I really have to give the edge to Mundo here. He used some very innovative offense during the match Plus, he managed to get out of dodge before El Parton could get his hands on him.


Back in Dario Cueto’s office, the boss was chatting with Hernandez saying the things he does with a leather strap to an opponent is a work of art, which gave him an idea. Cueto said Ultima Lucha would start a week early because next week Hernandez would face Drago in a match where the ring would be surrounded by fans, each holding leather straps, and if either man went to the outside, the Believers had permission to whip either luchador. Cueto dubbed it the Believer’s Backlash.

Hernandez didn’t sound thrilled by the idea and told Cueto he better have insurance because if any fans tried to attack him, he’d “paint the canvas red with their blood” which Dario said would be a true masterpiece.


In a rematch from two weeks ago that saw The Mack score the victory, this week Cage was all business. From the opening bell Cage was a beast hitting Mack with back elbows, clotheslines and back breakers. It was a very brief match though, as cage sent Mack into the corner and Mack countered with a weird sunset flip for the victory. It definitely looked like a botched maneuver, but the recovered quickly and didn’t look back.

After the match Cage attacked Mack, frustrated by his back to back losses. The two fought all over the Temple, throwing security guards around who were foolish enough to get in their way. The two powerhouses were finally able to stop when Dario Cueto emerged from his office to announce that the two would fight next week in what he is calling week one of Ultima Lucha in a falls count anywhere match, with every weapon imaginable laying around the ring.

Edge: Despite the victory by Mack, I am giving the edge to Cage. He dominated the brief match and dealt out more offense after the match as well.


After a commercial break Dario Cueto was in the ring to finally shed some light on the meaning and purpose of the seven Ancient Aztec Medallions. Dario unveiled a unique championship belt called The Gift of the Gods which had seven slots on it that would fit the medallions. The basic premise of The Gift of the Gods is that the holder of this championship can cash it in and receive a Lucha Underground Championship match, although Cueto got a bit of a dig in on Money in the Bank stating that there would be no immediate cash in, there would need to be a week advance notice so that El Jefe would have “proper time to promote the match”.

Upon exchanging the Gift of the Gods for a title shot, the medallions are redistributed much like they have been over the last several weeks, until all of the medallions find their way back to the championship again. However, The Gift of the Gods also works like a regular championship, if the holder doesn’t exchange it for a title shot soon enough, he or she may have to defend it in a match. At the end of the day it is basically Money in the Bank only it can be defended and lost, and you can’t have an immediate cash in.

Cueto invited all of those who possess a medallion to come to the ring, so Jack Evans, Sexy Star, Aero Star, Bengala, King Cuerno, and Big Ryck came to the ring and each placed their medallion in a slot on the belt, as they all will compete in a seven way match at Ultima Lucha for the Gift of the Gods Championship. As the six luchadors left the ring, Cueto brought up the fact that Fenix, who won the first medallion, hadn’t been seen since being decimated by Mil Muertes, so his medallion would be up for grabs in a battle royal. Just as this announcement was made, Fenix made his entrance, but Cueto said he was too late, but that if he wanted the medallion back he was welcome to compete in the battle royal.


A unique twist for this battle royal, when it reaches the final two competitors, they must win by pinfall or submission, but until that point it is standard over the top rope rules (Editor Note: This is today known as Gauntlet for the Gold rules in TNA). This match had an interesting mix of jobbers and mid card luchadores this one seemed obvious on paper, but Lucha Underground has surprised its viewers in the past.

The eliminations were quick with Mandel and Argenis both eliminated early, and both by Famous B. Killshot took a risk heading up to the top rope, and it was indeed a risk as Daivari pushed him to the floor. Daivari tied with Famous B after he eliminated Vinny Massaro and following that Sagrada monkey flipped Super Fly on the apron causing them both to tumble to the floor.

Famous B managed to make it to the final four, I’ll say that again, Famous B made it to the final four, but the numbers were too much for him when The Moth and Daivari double teamed B in order to eliminate him. After taking out Daivari, Fenix focused on Marty “The Moth” as the rules switched to pinfall and submission. After a back and forth fight Fenix managed to roll up Martinez, earning his same Ancient Aztec Medallion for a second time.

Edge: Fenix. Half of the participants in this match were jobbers, plain and simple. I was actually pleasantly surprised with how long Famous B held on. He’s by no means the best in the match, but he held his own. Truthfully, the only ones who stood a chance in this match were Fenix, Daivari, Killshot, and Super Fly, and of those Fenix is the highest profile. This win puts Fenix in a good position heading into the seven way Gift of the Gods match at Ultima Lucha.


It was being promoted as the first time we would hear Prince Puma speak. After last week when Konnan was taken away in a coffin, how would the champion respond? What would he say? We would never find out because as Puma grabbed a mic Mil Muertes’ music began and he and Catrina stood at the top of the stairs.

Puma chose to do what he does best and let his actions speak for themselves, motioning for Muertes (who cleans up nice) to come to the ring. Catrina held Mil at bay with a hand over his shoulder as the Disciples of Death attacked the champ. Puma managed to fight back and dispatched the three henchmen of the number one contender, then it was Mil’s turn. Muertes hit the ring and it was power vs speed, and eventually speed won out. After a couple well placed kicks Puma hit his 630 Senton to close the show. Will this be the fate of Mil Muertes come Ultima Lucha, or will Prince Puma finally face a challenge he can’t overcome?

Until next week, and until Ultima Lucha, keep your mask on!


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