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Three Titles That Could Help SmackDown Live

The dust has settled from the WWE Draft, and many superstars veterans and rookies alike know where their home is. Post draft there has been many gripes and complaints that SmackDown Live is lesser than Monday Night Raw. I do not fall into that camp because SmackDown received the two most prestigious championships in the Intercontinental and WWE World Heavyweight Titles. However if that is not enough prestige for your liking here are three titles that can help bolster the brand.

Three Titles That Could Help SmackDown Live

The Hardcore Championship

Raw got the cruiserweight division, and with it likely the revival of the cruiserweight title. This was surprising, as SmackDown could have really used something like that to set it apart from it’s rival. The hardcore championship could do just that! Imagine Dean Ambrose running around with the title on his shoulder, or AJ Styles jumping out of the crowd to get a jump on his opponent. The title hasn’t been seen since 2009, but it can bring a uniqueness to a brand that is now live for the first time in its history.

The European Title

When the names Eddie Guerrero, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and Kurt Angle you probably think “future hall of famer”.  Another thing that these superstars all have in common is the fact that they are all former European title holders. They could hold a tournament similar to the cruiser weight classic. Having a ten week tournament would give a lot of good TV time to superstars, provide opportunities for surprise returns, and allow announcers to build the prestige of the title. This title could be held in as high of regard as the Intercontinental title if done right.

The Women’s Championship

Remember when Lita and Trish Stratus main-evented Raw for the Women’s Championship? That is the kind of level that women’s wrestling should be at today and sadly it is not. Raw had Sasha Banks defeating Charlotte for the new sleek looking Women’s Title on Monday. Obviously they would have to come up with a new name for a women’s title. However, as long as it doesn’t have the word Diva in it, or is shaped like a butterfly we should be fine. This title was held by so many amazing women’s wrestlers Lita, Stratus, Jacqueline, Beth Phoenix, and the list goes on. It already has so much prestige built up that it would take minimal effort to get a good build. Imagine how someone like Bayley would feel going after the same title she watched amazing women’s wrestlers battle over as a kid.


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