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Fabber’s Believe It or Not, Robin Williams' Lessons

We have all heard about the untimely passing of Robin Williams by now and probably read a million articles about him (ok, I have read that many about him). Normally I would stay away from a legends death and be the Bob Marley (upbeat and positive) about life and all it has to offer. I just can’t do that this time.

Robin Williams’ Lessons

I grew up with Robin Williams’ lessons, he made me laugh, he made me cry, he made me think, and he made me dream. He taught me a way to look at the world and what I wanted to get out of the world. He made me love comedy and made laughter part of my life. He showed me how to reach people and made me want to reach more and more every day. So it is only appropriate he teaches me something in his death.

This isn’t the first time suicide has affected my life. I lost one of my best friends a couple of years ago to this epidemic and it is an epidemic. One person every 13.3 minutes kills themselves, suicide is ranked 10th in the world in cause of death while homicide ranks 16th (I do fantasy sports, of course I will use some stats). This changed my life and the way I thought about life and people, just like watching the coverage on Robin Williams did again. The first time I was forced to experience this epidemic was 22 years ago.

That is when I lost my brother, Joseph Patrick Fabber to suicide but more so depression. I will never forget the series of events that took place to finding out what happened and I still do not sleep on couches because that is where I was sleeping when I woke up to see my mom crumbled to the ground in tears. I remember the feeling of being powerless, of not understanding and missing my brother. You question everything, every conversation, every look, I mean everything. You think what you could of did differently or said differently for as long as you remember. You feel guilt for still being here and for not being enough for them. Every day is a guilt trip and a reminder that there is no way around it. You have only the choice of how to deal with it. It is forever part of my life and I refuse to hide it to make people comfortable!

I too have been through rough times, a time where giving up was an option. Where you wonder what your purpose is but I am one of the lucky ones, I am still here. I decided to carry on something my mom started (she is amazing by the way but all the women in my life are). She started the Joseph Patrick Fabber Memorial Foundation. Who would of thought something she started in honor of one son would save one of her other sons! It became my mission to spread the word about what suicide does and how real it is. We cannot afford to sweep it under the rug or hide it in the back of the closet anymore, depression doesn’t discriminate, and it will get you young or old, black or white, rich or poor and everything in-between. Join me in changing the world by saving a life.

We all join fantasy leagues all the time, this time let’s join something that can change the world. Look for organizations that help with this cause and care for one another for people are the most important part of life.

Also if you are thinking about hurting yourself ever please call 1-800-273-8255 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

This is where I would normally have some great fantasy wisdom and advice but this week it doesn’t feel right. So my number one fantasy and life advice is have fun and enjoy it for it all is to short. Enjoy the company of the league more than the competition of the league for people mean more than anything else in this life. Without them there would be no league.

Thank you Robin Williams for teaching us in your life and death, you will live on forever. “Oh Captain, My Captain”



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