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Five Requirements for a Bears Super Bowl

The Chicago Bears are going to win the Super Bowl.

When Jay Cutler hoists the Lombardi Trophy over his head while exuding an expression of utter boredom in February, I plan on rubbing this article in the faces of all the naysayers. (And if it doesn’t work out, then this article will probably just sink into the internet’s abyss and no one but the NSA will remember that I wrote it.)

I know it’s a pretty bold statement to make about a team that missed the playoffs a season ago, but Bears fans have a lot to be excited about. The quarterback looks like he is in the peak of his career, and just in time for a talented receiving core and a running back who can catch out of the backfield.  The defense has been bolstered by a future hall of famer and a first round draft pick, and of course, there is still Robbie “Good as” Gould kicking the ball for Chicago. But a Super Bowl winning season is a sum of its parts. Here are the fives things the Bears need to accomplish if they hope to win a Super Bowl.

Steps to a Bears Super Bowl Season in 2014

1. Win the division

Obviously, this is pretty much a no brainer for any team that hopes to win the Super Bowl. The Bears didn’t fare well against the North last season. They split on the Packers and the Vikings and were swept by the Lions (the Lions for God’s sake!). If they hope for any success this season, the Bears need to make short work of a struggling Vikings team and tame the Lions. Of course Green Bay is always a concern.  Many analysts are predicting Green Bay will take the division, but hopefully the Bears defense can find an answer for Aaron Rodgers for at least one game this season.

2. Beat the Greats

The Bears are playing against three Super Bowl winning quarterbacks this season, a challenge that hasn’t gone well in the past. If the Bears hope to be the best this season, they need to beat the best. The Bears’ offense needs to be prepared to put up 30+ points when they play the Patriots, Saints and Packers, because these quarterbacks eat up simple defensive schemes.

3. Play with a chip on their shoulder.

The Bears are like the Rodney Dangerfield of the NFC North right now, they don’t get no respect. They have to know this, and they have to play like they have something to prove. Every game this season needs to be treated like a playoff game.

4. Play consistently

Jay Cutler can’t throw those pesky picks, the defense has to make all of their tackles, and we can’t turn the ball over; end of story.

5. Stay healthy

The X factor of any NFL season, the Bears need to stay healthy. It was obvious to most that the Bears sub-par record last season was due to their defense, but it’s important to note that their defense was depleted due to injuries. If the Bears’ defense was healthy, there’s a good chance they could have won ONE MORE GAME, which would have catapulted them into the playoffs.

In reality, these are five things that any talented team needs to do if they hope to win the Super Bowl, and that’s the point. The Bears’ front office has successfully compiled a Super Bowl caliber team, and now it’s time for the players to be in charge of their own destiny.


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