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On the MMA Road with… Maegan Goodwin

Here at Last Word on Sports we’re always keeping a close eye on those who are set to become the new and memorable faces in the industry.

Women’s MMA is a facet of the sport which has recently started to gain some traction and as such, we are trying to keep a close eye on those starting to emerge as the names to watch out for. With the help of Jay at Fresh Start Entertainment, we recently sat down with up-and-coming female mixed martial artist, Maegan Goodwin to get her take on her MMA career to-date and some of the big happenings in the world on MMA today…


How did you get started in MMA/Fighting in the first place?

Well, I just kind of started out wanting to do it as a work out. I never really watched MMA or UFC. But, then I started to see that it was a really cool work-out, and I wanted to learn how to defend myself – and then once I got into it and got better at my old coach convinced me to get it into a take a fight and I just really liked it from there.

Would you characterize yourself as more of aficionado of the sport now that you’ve become more intimately involved with it?

Oh yes, definitely! I love to watch it and keep up on everything.

How would you characterize your fight style overall?

For the most part I like stand-up a little bit better; but, I really do both stand-up and ground fighting. 

What do you see as the most important technique in the sport of MMA today?

The most important for me is probably, movement – in the stand-up game anyway. I find if you move around, you get some head movement going on it’s a whole different game – as opposed to just standing there in front of a girl. There is a whole lot of importance in the ground game, but as far as the stand-up goes that’s what is most important to me.

Who has been your biggest inspiration in the fight world?

I really love Ronda Rousey. I really like her personality, and I really like her whole mind-set.

My person that I love to watch fight the most is Cris Cyborg. I love to watch her before I fight – just to get me pumped up. Just the way she attacks her opponents is (amazing).

In my personal life, I would say Jeremy Jones. He has been the biggest person in my actual life… we keep each other motivated.

How do you prepare for a fight?

As soon as I find out who my opponent is, I try to study up on them, try to find out what their game-plan is, and try to find out as much as I can about them. If I see them, and say they drop their hands, I’m going to work to counter that. If they’re big on the ground then I am going to try and work on that.

About two weeks out I start my hard cardio and work on my cut, and get down to my weight.

What would you say has been your most defining fight thus far?

I would probably say that the last one I had challenged my more than the other ones. The first fight wasn’t as much of a challenge. My second fight, it was kick-boxing and I found out the day before.

However, the last fight that I just fought, she was my toughest opponent. She was just a strong girl and we went all three rounds and I finished her in the third round  – but, she was my toughest fight yet. 

Would you also say that’s been the high-point in your career to-date?

Yeah, I think that was just a good test for me. She was a lot better than I thought she would be, and she really tested me and my skills. She did things I hadn’t really seen yet; she tried to take me down and that’s one thing that I really need to work on. I’m taller than most people, so it’s a little easier to take me down… but, it was a battle. I’m just glad that it worked out the way that it did.

If you could fight anyone in the world today (all skill levels aside) who would it be?

It’s a long-shot, and it’s going to be awhile before I get there, but obviously I want to fight Ronda Rousey. She’s in my weight-class and if I get to the top I am going to have to go through her. So, that’s what I am aiming for as my dream… so, hopefully I get there. 

What MMA promotion would you like to land on?

I am hoping that when I go pro, that I make my debut with Invicta if that’s still possible. I try to talk to the match makers, and hopefully that’s where I go at first. Eventually, obviously, I will have to go to the UFC to fight Ronda. 

Twenty years from now how would you like sit back and see your career?

I just want to get as far as I can, and make as much progress as I can. Hopefully, I can be remembered in some way, whether it’s through Invicta or the UFC, through some crazy fight that I have. I just want to be remembered as an aggressive fighter who always puts on a good show and a good performance who always fought her heart out.

What are your thought on Fallon Fox fighting in women’s MMA?

That’s a tricky question. I am not really sure how I feel about it. At first I was totally against it because I thought it was unfair, as she has had hormones and changes she lived as a guy and even had kids…

I don’t know… now as I have heard and read more and more about it, she’s a good fighter obviously. I think, as far as they have tested her I see she’s as much of a women as we are. I’m growing more and more ok with it – but, I am still pretty unsure about it. 

If Cyborg and Ronda Rousey were to go t0e-to-toe in the cage tomorrow, who do you think would win?

Oh, Cris Cyborg – hands down! I think she’s way too much for Ronda. I don’t think Ronda has seen someone as strong and as aggressive as her – even though she is in a higher weight class – it doesn’t make that much of a difference for ten pounds.

Do you think Ronda Rousey’s “arm-bar technique” is going to get solved in the next few fights?

Yeah, I would’ve thought it would’ve been by now. I don’t know how she does it, but she does it. She’s pretty strong and she knows exactly how to do it. However, hopefully the next few people she fights at least take her to the second round… don’t let her get that arm-bar! I wanted Liz Carmouche to at least take her to the second round.

Top three pound for pound – male or female – who do you have on your list?

Number one is Cyborg? And then “Bones” Jones.

Who are your two favourite fighters to watch – male and female?

Probably Jones, I like Silva also. I like Cyborg, obviously… but, I like Carmouche – I think if they fought again she would beat Rousey. 


We really want to thank Maegan for taking the time to speak with us. While still in the early stages of her career, we know she is going to be making some waves soon! We also want to thank Jay at Fresh Start Entertainment for setting up this interview and all of his support for Last Word on Sports.

Follow us on Twitter: @lastwordmark and @lastwordonsport

Follow Maegan on Twitter: @maegan_elayne32

Follow Jay at Fresh Start: @jayfreshstart


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