Who Could Be Wrestling Steve Austin at WrestleMania 41?

Who Could Be Wrestling Steve Austin at WrestleMania 41? [Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

The main event of WrestleMania 40 was a great piece of professional wrestling. It was an overbooked mess that included run-ins from just about everyone available. The fans were loving every minute of it, but there was one glaring omission that got people talking. It was believed that ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin was going to make an appearance to aid Cody Rhodes, and there was some disappointment when it didn’t happen.

In a recent interview, Austin expressed regret at not being at WrestleMania 40. He also stated that Las Vegas is close to home, and he would be interested in doing something at WrestleMania 41.

With his recent success at ‘Mania, it would be awesome to see him lace up the boots one more time, but against whom? Below are some great options.

John Cena

John Cena and Austin were the two greats of their era. The Attitude and Ruthless Aggression Eras wouldn’t have had their success if it weren’t for these two men.

They were the guys that defined those eras and served as the measuring stick for everyone else to follow. Due to injuries and little overlap, these two men never shared a ring, but now is the time to tug at that thread.

Austin has one, maybe two, matches left in his career and Cena has already announced his retirement tour. WWE has a small window to put these two together and WrestleMania is the only place for that to happen.

It would provide a dream match of epic proportions.

Logan Paul

Logan Paul is an attraction. Outside of WWE, he has amassed an impressive, and lucrative career.

It’s a career that has made him incredibly popular and that popularity helps to bring a whole new audience to WWE when he makes his appearances. When he is there, it is a big deal, and it wouldn’t get much bigger than taking on the Texas Rattlesnake at WrestleMania 41.

Paul and Austin would be perfect for WrestleMania. Paul is exactly like the smarmy heels that Austin reveled in destroying during his time.

Their match would involve bells and whistles but that would be perfect for ‘Mania. Also, who wouldn’t want to see Paul selling a Stone Cold Stunner like his life depended on it?

AJ Styles

AJ Styles can have a great match with a broomstick. His talent is limitless, and he has done everything that needs to be done in the world of professional wrestling.

He has also gone on record saying that he won’t be wrestling much longer, so the time for him and Austin to have a clash is here. Styles and Austin would be a marquee match for WrestleMania 41.

Styles would be able to bump his butt off for Austin and hide any shortcomings that the rusty veteran might have. Also, Styles has a history of matches at WrestleMania with greats past their prime.

He was the man to give The Undertaker his final match at WrestleMania, and it would be great to see him do this with Austin.

The Rock

The Rock and Austin are two of the greatest to ever lace up a pair of boots. Their careers have always been compared to one another as they were the men behind WWE’s resurgence during the Attitude Era.

They also have put together an amazing trio of matches that stretched across WrestleMania 16, WrestleMania 17, and WrestleMania 19. Both men have gone on to have great careers outside of WWE but have been making sporadic appearances if the times call for it.

Recently they had both been showing up more frequently than not, with The Great One elbowing his way into the front office. With The Rock embracing his heel ‘Final Boss’ persona, it would be great to see Austin’s anti-hero once again take up the fight against those in charge.

It would also be great to see Austin and Rock 4. Something that no two other men have done.

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