NWA Powerrr Recap (6/25/24)

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NWA Powerrr opened up with a powerful promo from the teams looking to secure spots in the semi-finals. Aron Stevens is confident in the reigning tag champions Blunt Force Trauma. 

Opening Contest and a Mystery Opponent for Alonzo

Looks That Kill (Brian Idol & Natalia Markova) would square off with last year’s winners, Knox and Murdoch. On commentary, Billy Corgan would mention the team requested entry into the tournament personally.

Joe Galli and Corgan would mention Knox and Murdoch’s displeasure with being the number four seed despite winning last year’s tournament. 

Markova would look to use her speed and agility to stay away from the raw power of former NWA World’s Champion Trevor Murdoch. She would successfully tag in Idol and he would go on to land a fantastic spiked DDT on Mike Knox that would keep them in the fight.

Both teams would get plenty of offense in, but Knox and Murdoch would get the win with the High/Low on Brian Idol.

In a post-match interview, Murdoch would say this about the Southern 6 and the Semi-finals.

“Last time we saw you boys, we were bouncing your faces off a steel cage.” 

Joe Alonzo would come out in a scheduled match against a mystery opponent. That opponent would be none other than the high-flying independent darling, Jack Cartwheel.

Cartwheel has made appearances with GCW, ROH, and AEW in 2024.  During the match, Cartwheel would take a scary bump to the outside.

While being checked on by referee Jarrod Fritz, Alonzo would playfully count out both the ref and his opponent in the ring. Despite the high-flying offense from Cartwheel, Alonzo would hit the “Joey Special,” a modified skull-crushing finale, for the 1-2-3. 

The Main Event and Father James Mitchell

The main event would feature Blunt Force Trauma, the reigning NWA tag champs, and the Miserably Faithful. Led by Father James Mitchell, the Miserably Faithful includes the unified television champ, Max the Impaler.

Commentary would do a great job telling the story of how both tag teams have risen in the ranks by joining with experienced managers like Stevens and Mitchell. 

Max and Carnage would start in the ring while Damage and Judais would battle outside. This match was not a technical showcase but rather a fight between four people.

Max would display their dominance throughout the match, and give their team a shot at the win. During the match, both managers would begin jawing back and forth. 

This distraction would lead Max to chase Stevens out of the arena. This distraction left Judais alone in the ring.

BFT would gain the victory and secure their spot in the semi-finals against The Immortals. Stevens would cut a promo after the match. 

“You have witnessed the greatest tag team to ever wrestle in Texas… The Crockett Cup is coming home with Blunt Force Trauma.” 

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