Indie Watch: “The Concrete Dragon” Tristen Thai

A photo of Tristen Thai AKA Ikuro Kwon of MLW.

MLW Wrestling star Ikuro Kwon aka Tristen Thai, has developed a reputation for being a hard hitting competitor. To the Shaolin Kempo black belt, fighting is more than a gimmick, it’s a way of life. 

Tristen Thai recently sat down again with Will Gray of Last Word on Sports

The Origin Story

After finishing high school Tristen Thai would attend college and receive a bachelor’s degree. With the support and love of his mother he would decide to go to wrestling school. The trainer he chose, Conno Cappuccia, only had one student. It was Thai. 

“We both had something to prove to ourselves, and to each other.”

These personal training would give Thai a self-admitted advantage. The relationship he had with Conno was like a member of the family and more than a teacher student relationship. 

“When he’s my trainer he’s my trainer… when we’re hanging out, he’s my boy… When he’s giving me advice, he’s my brother. He wears a lot of hats in my life.”

MLW, Winning Gold, Above the Rest

Early in his career Thai was a regular in CZW. Around 2019 he would join with Gabe Skye and Above the Rest was born. “We weren’t even supposed to be a team.” Tristen would say.

The relationship would grow and allow both wrestlers to have singles success beyond just a tag team. As a team Above the Rest are the reigning and defending Remarkable Wrestling Tag Team Champions. ATR is also a regular in the tag team division of BEYOND Wrestling, and have had huge rivalries with Miracle Generation and MSP

As Ikuro Kwon, he has had three successful runs inside MLW. During this time, Kwon would learn the importance of “making every move matter” and learning what it means to be a television ready wrestling star. His most recent run in MLW finds him as the technician in Contra. Learning under the wing of Minoru Suzuki, Kwon had this to say,

“It’s one of those things where you wish you had a reason to pick someone’s brain that you look up to… Now I get that with Suzuki.” 

Kwon would also discuss the importance of him and AKIRA being the first pair of Korean Americans to compete in the Opera Cup.

Betting on Yourself

Tristen would put a huge emphasis on betting on yourself and having honest and true relationships inside the business. He would explain what it means to bet on yourself and for a company to see your worth. 

“I was a foot soldier… Now I have more confidence, being asked to come back. They came to me.”

In 2024, Tristen Thai and above the rest have a lot going on. Aside from a steady booking schedule as an MLW star and a red hot tag team, Thai is also a partner in Remarkable Wrestling with his former trainer. He would talk about wearing multiple hats and seeing the business from a different perspective. 

“I could buy a supermarket, but until I get in there and push a cart, do I really know what’s going on?” 

Thai would tell LWOS that they are planning what will be the very first elimination chamber match on the independents. The structure itself requires its own box truck for transportation to and from the event site. Matt Tremont will be headlining the event. 

Throughout his career in real life and in the ring, Tristen Thai has proven time and time again. He is a real fighter. 

The full interview can be found here. If aggregated, please credit Last Word on Sports.

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