Indie Watch: The Summer of J Boujii

Picture of J Boujii

New York City is the city that never sleeps. This tradition and way of life has been around as long as the city itself.

It translates to the way the residents eat, sleep, and work. J Boujii is one of them, and he is a wrestling star ready to hit the big stage. 

Heading into the Summer of Boujii Deluxe edition. The New York territory wrestling star sat down with Will Gray of Last Word on Sports and Botched Spots and Chair Shots

The Origin Story

J Boujii is a New Yorker through and through. Born and raised in the city, early on, he wanted the life of a pro-wrestler. 

“You can go to high school and go to college, but what does everybody do? Football, baseball and basketball… Unless your school has a program like that, there is little talk about wrestling.”

J Boujii would end up training with WWE legend Johnny Rodz. Boujii would talk about the importance of training and learning from someone who was at the forefront of the civil rights movement in pro wrestling.

During this time at the school, he would learn the inner workings of more than the wrestling business but also how to be a successful P.O.C. inside of the business. 

The Meat and Potatoes of J Boujii’s Career

In four short years, Boujii has worked in over 50 promotions. From GCW and House of Glory to MLW and AEW.

The former member of the BOMAYE Fight Club was brought in to help in the Alex Kane title reign in 2023. J Boujii would appear on five episodes of MLW’s TV show. 

Another huge milestone in the career of Boujii was the Shane Taylor Promotions vs. Takeover event. In 2022, the hot up-and-coming faction Takeover would challenge Shane Taylor Promotions in a wild showcase of talent for both sides.

Shane Taylor would take on PJ Savage in the Main Event, but the sleeper match of the night was the Bodega Street Fight between J Boujii and Reverend Ron Hunt

The Summer of Boujii was a self-branded run in the Summer of 2023. This run would include a win in the Invictus Climb for Clout Ladder Match, as well as securing the Invictus Social Media Championship.

During the Summer of Boujii, he would also have a huge rivalry with Joey Silver revolving around the HOG Cruiserweight title. The summer would see head-to-head matchups with some of the wrestling world’s top independent stars; Jaden Newman, Akira, Ace Austin, and Jordon Oliver

The Here and The Now

“Wear some jeans… I want jeans EFFY!”

Today, wrestling for J Boujii is very exciting. During the interview, Boujii would talk about an upcoming match with EFFY, one of independent wrestling’s biggest stars.

Crossing over into Pennsylvania, EFFY and Boujii will be locking up as part of the Summer Showcase for Smash Master wrestling. This showcase of shows will also include a matchup against Lio Rush. Rush has been on a run as of late, and Boujii wants none of it. 

“I want the Man of the Hour, Lio Rush, not the crazy madman… I don’t mess with that black goo stuff.”

J Boujii would also discuss making a homecoming of sorts back to HOG in 2024. This would be the first time his infant son would be present to see dad work. J Boujii would talk about the importance of his family throughout the interview. 

“This is the Summer of Boujii Deluxe… We’re here to fight this year.”

Recently earning gold in BCW, Boujii would talk about the war fought against Anthony Gangone. “It hurts when I sneeze bro. I don’t want to have to do that again,” Boujii would say about the hard-fought victory. Gangone and Boujii had built a rivalry leading up to the title match, and both men left it all in the ring. 

J Boujii is also a successful tag team competitor. Takeover would walk, so the Killionaire’s Club could run.

Learning from the successes in Takeover, Boujii has applied this to his current tag run with partner Pretty Boy Smooth. The tandem is currently the uncrowned ETU Tag Team Champions. 

J Boujii can be found on all social media sites, as well as wrestling upcoming shows for Smash Master Wrestling, ETU, and BCW.

The full interview can be found here. If aggregated please credit, LWOS and Will Gray.

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