WWE’s Greatest Managers: New Generation Edition

WWE's Greatest Managers: New Generation Edition

WWE was not the same company during the New Generation. The success of the Golden Era was great but that well had dried up.

Scandals followed Vince McMahon wherever he went and there was a mass exodus of big stars from the company. WWE was forced to pivot to a new crop of talent as they tried to rebuild the empire, they once sat at the top of.

With the influx of new talent, there came a new roster of managers. It was a roster that was thinner than the Golden Era but one that still housed some of the greatest managers to grace WWE.

Below is a list of these managers.

Ted DiBiase

Ted DiBiase was a great heel for the Golden Era. His attitude of “money can buy anything” had the fans hating him within an instant. He was better than everyone and he had no problem reminding everyone about it.

It was these qualities that he used to turn the page and become one of the better managers of the New Generation Era. The stable he amassed was very impressive, boasting the likes of Psycho Sid, Bam Bam Bigelow, and Tatanka. It was a stable that was bigger than any of the era, and they were consistently booked near the top of the card.

DiBiase was the perfect heel manager for his following. He provided a recognizable voice for the wrestlers and he was always at his best promoting his charges. Who can forget the unmistakable laugh that he would begin each interview with?

Paul Bearer

Paul Bearer‘s gimmick would have worked with just one man. His ghoulish persona matched perfectly with The Undertaker, and probably wouldn’t have caught on if he were guiding anyone else to the ring.

That being said, everything about  Bearer was the perfect compliment to The Undertaker. He complemented his wrestler more than any other manager of the New Generation.

Being that The Undertaker didn’t speak much, he needed someone to fill that role. Bearer stepped into it beautifully. His look was spot on, and he was someone who could get his point across during an interview.

His delivery was great with his wailing voice and hilarious facial expressions. Not many made an impression as Paul Bearer did.


There is perhaps no other manager who left a bigger impression during the New Generation than Sunny. She checked off all the boxes that one would want and then some. She was beautiful, had no issues getting involved to help her wrestlers win their matches, and was one of the best talkers on the roster.

Sunny was one of the more versatile talents during the New Generation. During her time, she jumped from having The Bodydonnas, Godwinns, and The Smoking Gunns under her tutelage.

These were very different teams but she was able to blend in with their characters perfectly. Her ability to adapt to any situation and remain incredibly entertaining made her one of the best.

Jim Cornette

Jim Cornette was one of the best managers in history before he stepped foot in WWE. His time with The Midnight Express made him a household name. He was a heat magnet like no other and, when he came to WWE, he brought that skill with him.

Once he came to WWE, Cornette didn’t take long to become a wonderful complimentary piece for his stable. Camp Cornette was the most hated heel stable of the era and he was the main reason why. His lavish clothes and boisterous personality made him instantly hated.

His voice bore into the ears of the audience and made every wrestler in his camp the more hated because of their association. When Cornette was around, you knew that there was going to be some heat.

Marlena in WWE

Marlena was one of the unsung heroes of the New Generation. Coming in next to Goldust, Marlena was the final piece to the puzzle of Goldust. His androgynous character was great but having her brought in beside him pushed his character over the top.

She was the perfect stoic manager for Goldust. Marlena’s astonishing beauty was the perfect contrast to Goldust. It went a long way to keep the world guessing as to his intentions.

Was his character just an act? Or was it a part of himself?

Her very presence kept the world guessing and her silence was louder than any promo could have been. She was a commanding presence that turned the world on its head.

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