Preview: AEW Dynamite (7/17/24)- Dynamite 250

Preview: AEW Dynamite (7/17/24)- Dynamite 250

This week’s milestone episode of AEW Dynamite feels monumental. Rather than just a celebration of what has come before, this week’s show is firmly fixed on the now.

Two huge PPV-level clashes feature four of the best wrestlers of the present. Likewise, the future is being built.

Women’s Owen Hart Cup Tournament winner, Mariah May, talks about her actions. While here in the UK, football isn’t coming home, “the feeling” seems destined to come back to AEW in time for Wembley.

The trifecta: great wrestling, detailed and layered storytelling, and unpredictability have been there for the past few weeks. It looks set to be repeated on Wednesday night.

While some had hoped (me included) that the TBS Open Challenge could have featured a surprise return, the prospect of Nyla Rose fighting Mercedes Moné could be more than just a fun contest. That is if the match is given enough time and attention.

So many other potential things are likely to happen. Darby Allin returned last week to beat up Brandon Cutler and promised Jack Perry and The Elite that he was only getting started.

What does Darby have planned for The Elite on this special occasion? Surely, given the egos of the EVPs, The Young Bucks will want to do something to celebrate their hard work?

Beyond this, could Darby return for Blood and Guts? So much announced. So much can be speculated on.

It’s Wednesday and you know what that means.

AEW Dynamite 250 Announced Card Thus Far:

Matches announced:

  • AEW International Championship: MJF vs. Will Ospreay
  • TBS Open Challenge: Mercedes Moné Nyla Rose
  • Champion vs. Champion: Swerve Strickland vs. Kazuchika Okada

Other segments announce:

  • Mariah May speaks
  • TV Time with the Learning Tree Chris Jericho


  • Darby Allin promised last week he has something planned for Jack Perry and The Elite
  • More build towards All In
  • More men added to Team AEW for Blood and Guts

Mariah May Speaks

Of all the foreshadowing that hinted from day one that May would turn her back on Toni Storm, I don’t think anyone thought Storm herself would have to “watch out for the shoe”. After being cut open by that vicious title belt shot to the head, the repeated stabs with the heel of Storm’s own shoe and May rubbing her face in Storm’s scalp was bloody icing on the cake.

From day one, May’s presence helped ground the “Timeless” character into the reality of AEW. A full analysis of Storm’s character progression can be read here.

Without May, after this shocking betrayal, will this push Storm back into madness and delusion? Enough about Storm.

Wednesday night is all about May. For the first time in months, May is at the forefront.

No longer stood behind Storm or at her bosom. No longer with Luther stood by to watch.

The change in May’s eyes after the assault was something different. A cold and in-control persona.

No longer playing innocent. Will we get more of this new side to May on Wednesday?

Beyond the fiction, it’s a big moment for Mariah as a wrestler to step forward and prove her capability. With the AEW Women’s Championship match set for All In, can the twenty-five-year-old step up and replace Storm?

Can she fill her idol’s shoes? Anticipation is high.

With weeks to go until All In, everyone is desperate to see where one of the most compelling long-term stories in AEW is going. Wouldn’t it be great if they had RJ City return to interview May? A full circle moment!

There’s always the potential that someone in the back will step up to put May in her place. If not Storm, who?

Gamble of the Night: Champion vs. Champion

The gamble with this match is not the match quality. Given the quality of both men involved and the dream-match nature of this contest, most are expecting a banger.

The AEW World Champion, Swerve Strickland, proved on the microphone that he is no placeholder world champion. At Forbidden Door, Strickland proved he can beat the best in the world.

Strickland has beaten everyone he has faced this year. As has “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada.

Having evolved into one of AEW’s strongest weekly TV characters this year as the AEW Continental Champion. Capable of popping the audience with his facial expressions and the expletive “b*tch” is one thing and yet, in the ring, refreshed and still capable of magic. Likewise undefeated.

Someone must lose. The nice problem is who? And then where does the fallout take us?

When two such wrestlers have been built as strongly as Strickland and Okada, there’s always the concern about whether the ending will go screwy with interference or how the loser may be protected. Inference finishes have snuck into several key AEW storylines recently.

It would make sense for The Young Bucks to have their boy’s back. If Okada wins, surely a rematch with a title shot is on the cards prior to All In. Will the EVPs have some scheme or plan in place?

Given Strickland’s upcoming defense against Bryan Danielson at All In, getting a victory over a man who beat The American Dragon in January in NJPW would add more credibility to the champion. Plus, more reasons for the EVPs to want to take the championship from Strickland.

I’m ready to be surprised. Expect either in-match, post-match, or interconnected segments throughout the night to set up (maybe a big angle) to heat up Blood and Guts.

Banger of the Night: AEW International Champion: MJF vs. Will Ospreay

AEW has a history of giving fans some of its biggest contests on free TV and teasing more. Giving fans a taste* of something greater. To hook us in for something later down the line is an AEW special.

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. Danielson. Kenny Omega vs. Danielson (the payoff we are still waiting for).

MJF vs. Adam Cole. Even this year with FTR vs. The Blackpool Combat Club.

Could MJF vs. Will Ospreay be a build-up to something even bigger? On PPV?

PAC will get an AEW International Championship opportunity at Wembley. In front of his home country, the prospect that PAC faces either MJF or Ospreay is… sorry, I spent several minutes fantasy booking and imagining how awesome each variation would be. Then again, All Out follows shortly afterward.

Since MJF’s return, his eyes have been on Ospreay. A man who the fans have embraced after turning their back on him at Worlds End.

A man who claims to be the very best in the world and stole MJF’s thunder in the real bidding war of 2024. You can read about what AEW offers wrestlers like Ospreay, Okada, and Moné beyond money here.

This is personal to MJF. He wants his position and the championship back.

Yet, before that, in facing the Billy GOAT, MJF wants to not only beat Ospreay. The Salt of the Earth wants to stick it to the fans who support Ospreay.

Who supported Daniel Garcia when MJF left Red Death immobilized? Does MJF cheat to steal the championship

Can Ospreay add the longest reigning AEW Champion to his kill list? Is this the first step towards something bigger?

*Please tell me in the comments I’m not the only one who thinks that in Daddy Magic’s voice.

Looking for an AEW Deep Dive? 

James is concluding a series that takes a deep dive into AEW’s short but impactful history. In part 1, James discussed how AEW changed the wrestling industry (here). In Part 2, James discussed how AEW’s continued existence benefits wrestlers and fans alike (here).

Part 3 has been divided into two articles. One discusses the differences between in-ring action and storytelling (here). The other excellent in-ring action is compensating for wider issues in AEW creative (here). The final part will discuss AEW’s future. Including discussing the problems that AEW faces and questions Tony Khan will have to address. In a bonus article, James evaluates the criticism levelled at the company on social media and podcasters as well as the company’s response (here). In the final upcoming part, James examines how for AEW’s future Tony Khan can compete with WWE beyond just in the ring (here).

More From LWOS Pro Wrestling

Header photo – AEW – Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on this and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world. As well as to provide you with analysis, previews, videos, interviews, and editorials on the wrestling world.  You can catch AEW Dynamite on Wednesday nights at 8 PM ET on TBS. AEW Rampage airs on TNT at 10 PM EST every Friday night. AEW Collision airs Saturday at 8pm Eastern on TNT. More AEW content available on their YouTube.


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