NWA Powerrr Recap (7/2/2024)

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This week’s NWA Powerrr featured a National Heavyweight Title match and the semi-finals for the Crockett Cup. The Southern 6 look to get the win back against the reigning Crockett Cup champs, Mike Knox and Trevor Murdoch.

Your Opening Contest

The opening contest was a “Family Jewels” Ladder Match between Rolando Perez and Eric Smalls. The stipulation for the match states that the winner is whoever climbs the ladder and secures the bag of jewels. The loser, however, must take a shot at their “family jewels” from the winner. 

Perez would come out in a sling and explain he could not perform. He says he has someone “just as big” as him to face Smalls. The replacement was the new NWA Signee Spencer Slade.

In the early goings, Smalls would get limited offense in. Slade would use the chance to get some reps in, using Smalls as a curling barbell at one point.

Smalls would start his comeback, but Slade would quickly shut it down. Smalls would hit his modified worm dubbed “the Inch Worm.”

Followed by a flying headbutt of the second rope to Slade’s jewels. After a huge moonsault on a ladder, Smalls would start climbing.

Then, Slade and Perez would use the numbers game to gain an advantage. Knox and Murdoch would come out though to even the score.

After a chop block and getting the Crockett Cup champs out of the ring, Slade would secure the victory and a shot later at Smalls’ “family jewels.”

The National Heavyweight Title

Zyon would challenge the National Heavyweight champ, Thomas Latimer. The title shot would come as a result of a #1 contender match between Zyon and Big Strong Mims. Latimer became champ after the “Thrillbilly” Silas Mason relinquished it eyeing the 10# of Gold. 

Austin Idol, the alleged father of Zyon, would think about getting involved and it would be the distraction Zyon needed. Zyon would follow up with a great draping spinning neck breaking bringing Latimer back into the ring.

The commentating team of Corgan, Dealz, and Galli, would all emphasize the fact that Zyon had yet to be pinned or submitted in an NWA ring. This wouldn’t be the case all night though.

Latimer would go on to secure his victory and continue his run with the Natty. Joe Galli would put a notice on the fact that Latimer “wasn’t looking past the National Heavyweight Title” like previous champs have done.

Praising the current champ for helping elevate the prestigious title. 

The Main Event

In the main event, we saw a semi-final match-up for the Crockett Cup. The reigning champs Murdoch and Knox came out first as the #2 seed for the entire tournament.

The newly crowned Jr. Heavyweight Champion, Alex Taylor (this episode was taped prior to the victory), and Kerry Morton came out with Ricky Morton at their side. 

Knox and Murdoch beat the Southern 6 into the ring both literally by being there first, and physically by literally suplexing Kerry Morton into the ring to start the match. Taylor would come in and former World’s Champion Murdoch would cave his chest in with a few monster chops.

The Southern 6 would do a good job of isolating Murdoch, cutting the ring in half, and allowing the momentum to swing back in their favor. After the damage was done Murdoch would fight back on a bummed leg to hit a huge crossbody off the top rope.

Knox and Murdoch would go for their finisher, High/Low, but Taylor would shove Kerry out of the way absorbing the impact. Kerry and Ricky would use this opportunity to reverse a suplex allowing Kerry to secure the pinfall.

This victory sends the Southern 6 into the finals, and the 2023 champions are sent packing.

Next week the last semi-final match between B.F.T and the Immortals will give us the final puzzle piece for the Crockett Cup in 2024. New episodes of Powerrr, can be seen every Tuesday on the CW. 

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