Indie Watch: “The Prize City OG” Alec Price

Picture of Alec Price

Fighting out of the Prize City of East Boston Mass, The Prize City OG Alec Price makes up for what he lacks in size, with grit, perseverance, and work ethic. Alec Price sat down with Will Gray of Last Word on Sports and discussed his career and his origin story.

The Origin Story

Hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, Price started like many wrestling fans. He started imitating what he saw on television on Monday nights. Once the decision was made on a trainer, it was time to become a wrestling star.

Price was trained by Beau Douglas and the team at the Bell Time Club. During this early part of his career, Price would debut for both Big Time Wrestling and UFO Wrestling.

Once Price hit a certain point in his coming-up process, his trainer said it was time to get out there and get the reps. Price would say this about Douglas’s teaching.

“Not everyone can have a good match with everyone. You gotta get on the road and wrestle.”

After a few successful years on the road, Price would make his debut for two powerhouses in the North East territory, Limitless Wrestling and BEYOND Wrestling.

The Meat and Potatoes

During his run, Price gained prestige as the Limitless Wrestling Champion. This run with the title would be over 300 days and would be one of the top three longest title reigns in company history.

Along with that title, Price was also the IWTV Independent Wrestling World Champion for over 140 days. Throughout his career, Price has had title reigns in more than a handful of promotions.

Price also has had four appearances on MLW TV. 2022 was the busiest year of his career amassing a match total of over 160 matches. Averaging one every two or so days that year.

“If anybody is feeling froggy they can jump… I didn’t get to where I am because I’m some bum.”

Along with title reigns and fan popularity, Price also brings a level of versatility that is rarely seen at this point in some careers. With a history in Death Match wrestling, traditional southern wrestling, and the high-flying aspects of Lucha Libre, Price can adapt to any situation.

“I’m a chameleon. I can wrestle any style, I can have a banger with anybody.”

In 2021, Price would debut for Independent wrestling juggernaut, Game Changer Wrestling.

Here and Now in Wrestling

Alec Price is currently the Northern Federation of Wrestling Champion. He has held this title for nearly 100 days.

Throughout his career, Price has had matches against some of the top talent in the business. Between GCW, Deadlock Pro, and Limitless Price has wrestled the likes of “Speedball” Mike Bailey, Mustafa Ali, Effy, Mance Warner, and Matt Cardona

While serving as the world champion for GCW, then-champion Masha Slammovich, would defend the title against Price. This opportunity secured his place as one of the top stars on the independent scene.

In 2023 Alex would also be listed in the PWI top 500 as one of the premiere wrestlers globally, hitting 131 on the list. 

“I say my little prayer. I smack myself in the face a little, and it’s go time.”

Based out of New England, Alec Price is active on all his social media accounts, and has booking information listed.

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Header photo – Alec Price X – Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on this and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world.


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