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What WWE Should & Should NOT Do With The Wyatt Sicks

WWE photo of Wyatt Sicks members

The wait is finally over. The Wyatt Sicks have finally debuted on WWE television in one of the best pieces of cinematic work on Raw in the post-pandemic era.

The violent group has been presented as truly terrifying, after laying waste to various crew members backstage. However, there are some things that WWE needs to do to ensure that they don’t let another potentially captivating gimmick go to waste.

With that in mind, here’s what WWE should and should not do with The Wyatt Sicks.

SHOULD: Keep Them Grounded In Reality

Supernatural gimmicks have been a part of professional wrestling for as long as most can remember. The Undertaker and Kane are examples of prominent names with otherworldly powers who maintained their positions as top stars within the company.

Despite that, the Triple H era of WWE has leaned towards a more realistic approach to its storytelling. Gone are the days of mystical beings tormenting their peers, using otherworldly powers to defeat their opponents and rule over the roster.

This new group should be presented as creepy, powerful beings with a realistic motive as opposed to a spooky set of characters that aren’t bound by reality. 

The inter-connected universe of the current WWE roster should be kept intact, with the reference to “extra security” on the most recent episode of SmackDown being a prime example of this.

SHOULD NOT: Establish Them As Faces or Heels

Despite their violent destruction of the backstage area during their debut, The Wyatt Sicks have not officially been presented as ‘faces’ or ‘heels’. That is something that should remain, at least for the foreseeable future.

Keeping the group from having a clear affiliation with either the heroes or villains on the roster is important at this stage. Their violence should be unbiased and their targets should be specifically chosen, regardless of their moral stance.

Any attempts to shoehorn the group into one category or the other would heavily dilute them. Instead, the faction’s moral compass should remain a mystery as they lay waste to all that stands in their way.

SHOULD: Keep Them As Free Agents

We should not be seeing “The Wyatt Sicks drafted to Raw”. Ever.

The group should have free reign to appear on any WWE programming that they desire. After all, they are supposed to be trying to teach their lessons to everybody possible.

Having them pop up on Raw, SmackDown, NXT, or even WWE Speed would keep audiences guessing and give the group an added fear factor. 

If you’re watching the blue brand, you should still be on edge about a Wyatt Sicks appearance, rather than knowing they won’t be there because they’re drafted to Monday nights.

SHOULD NOT: Have Them Lose A Match Anytime Soon

Quite frankly, they shouldn’t be in a match at all in the immediate future.

The Wyatt Sicks have only just debuted and, as such, the majority of their story should be told outside of the ring. Their motivation should be destruction, as opposed to winning and losing wrestling matches.

That being said, it is a wrestling company. Fans will eventually expect the group to take to the ring, so they should be kept strong.

If The Wyatt Sicks have to step into the squared circle, they should not be taking a loss for the foreseeable future. Anything other than dominant, squash victories at this early stage would diminish their characters and make them look weak.

Members of the roster should openly be against the idea of facing them, due to their dominant nature and violent wrestling styles.

With the June 24 episode of WWE Raw looming, it remains to be seen how The Wyatt Sicks will be handled. Hopefully, they take heed of our suggestions and retain the heat they’ve gained after their compelling debut.

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