Preview: AEW Dynamite (6/5/24)- AEW World Championship Match

AEW Dynamite graphic of AEW World Championship match between Swerve Strickland and Roderick Strong

Already Forbidden Door is taking shape after last week’s surprise ending to the Casino Gauntlet match. The still fairly new International Champion, Will Ospreay came away victorious, winning back-to-back gauntlets two months apart to earn his shot at the AEW World Championship.

Many fans were shocked. They were not expecting a potential clash between Ospreay and Swerve Strickland until All In at Wembley. The trigger has been pulled. The fuse lit and sparks will fly in the next few weeks.

Ospreay’s role on the card as of writing is undefined. After his Collision International championship defense against Kyle O’Reilly, we might expect to hear from the number one contender. As for his Forbidden Door opponent, Swerve will put his championship on the line against the man Ospreay defeated at Double or Nothing. The man who was supposed to be next in the gauntlet before Ospreay captured the victory.

Elsewhere, a huge name returns to Dynamite for the first time this year live from Loveland, Colorado. MJF will have a lot on his mind. Expect what he says to be explosive.

Announced Card Thus Far:

Matches announced:

  • Saraya vs. Mariah May
  • Wheeler Yuta returns to action with the The Blackpool Combat Club vs. CMLL’s Magnus, Voldar Jr, Rugido and Esfinge
  • AEW World Championship: Swerve Strickland vs. Roderick Strong

Other segments announced:

  • MJF returns
  • Chris Jericho returns for more TV Time with the Learning Tree

The Wolf of Pro Wrestling is Back

At Double or Nothing, MJF returned and dropped Adam Cole on his head with a brainbuster. This action also seemingly ends the issues between the two former brochachos. Clad in biker style denim reminiscent of Triple H’s famous 2002 MSG return, MJF made it clear he is staying with AEW revealing a new tattoo on his calf with the words “bet on yourself” surrounding an AEW-style poker chip.

What was left unsaid is the question fans want answered on Wednesday night. What’s next?

Many are questioning if MJF will turn his eyes back onto the AEW World Championship. The world championship scene has changed immensely in MJF’s absence. What will the newly declared Wolf of Pro Wrestling have to say about the current world champion, Strickland, and number one contender, Ospreay?

It’s been so long since fans have heard MJF mock and tear into another member of the locker room. The anticipation alone for what MJF might say to insult the rest of the roster is just as high as seeing who his first opponent might be.

Will another member of the roster try to step up and steal MJF’s spotlight? Will MJF pick his own first fight? Will MJF’s first match be made or hinted at and how soon will MJF be back in the ring? A future Dynamite or perhaps Forbidden Door?

Saraya vs. Mariah May

Originally postponed from last week’s Dynamite, Mariah May steps up to face one of the women responsible for leading the women’s revolution in North America, Saraya. This short feud has historical roots in Saraya and AEW Women’s World Champion, Toni Storm’s previous friendship as The Outcasts.

Saraya’s bitterness towards Storm has remained strong. Getting the chance to educate and bring down Storm’s “Tiny” protégé is something Saraya might hope will propel her to a future championship match. Storm and May already have a victory over Saraya and Harley Cameron in tag team action, but in singles action, Saraya will perhaps be May’s toughest challenger.

Saraya, especially since her All In victory last year has had a strong and underrated run in terms of her in-ring ability. Strong singles outings against the likes of Storm, Hiraku Shida and others. If May claims a victory over Saraya, this will be her biggest victory to date.

On the outside, whether Mariah has back up from Toni Storm, or her former STARDOM tag partner, Mina Shirakawa, to help deal with Harley Cameron adds more intrigue. Storm has challenged Shirakawa to a match at Forbidden Door. Shirakawa has made a habit of protecting May when Storm has not been present. Might Storm and Shirakawa finally come face to face this evening?

Banger of the Night: AEW World Championship: Swerve Strickland vs. Roderick Strong 

Roderick Strong has one of the most impressive records in AEW, only losing once to Will Ospreay at Double or Nothing. Strong’s consistently excellent in-ring performances means that in getting this world championship opportunity there is a lot for The Messiah of the Backbreaker to prove.

Could there is the chance for an upset victory and a new world champion crowned in another shock result?

Given Swerve’s run of form and ascension to becoming one of the best in the world, this match more than anything gives Strickland a chance to test himself against another opponent who Ospreay has previously defeated.

Previously Strickland, in his first match after winning the AEW World Championship, defeated Kyle Fletcher. Fletcher was Ospreay’s first victory in his official Dynamite debut as a full-time member of the roster. Fletcher was a challenge for Ospreay, but Strong is on a different level at present. Roderick will be a tougher test.

However, Strickland has shown a more ruthless streak in previous weeks. Ospreay at Double or Nothing hesitated to hurt Strong with the Tiger Driver 91. Will Swerve show any hesitation?

Given Adam Cole’s previous designs on having Wardlow win and then give the AEW World Championship to Cole, there is the prospect that The Undisputed Kingdom will be at ringside and involved. Without The Mogul Embassy, Swerve would be outnumbered with only Prince Nana in his corner.  

More From LWOS Pro Wrestling

Header photo – AEW – Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on this and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world. As well as to provide you with analysis, previews, videos, interviews, and editorials on the wrestling world.  You can catch AEW Dynamite on Wednesday nights at 8 PM ET on TBS. AEW Rampage airs on TNT at 10 PM EST every Friday night. AEW Collision airs Saturday at 8pm Eastern on TNT. More AEW content available on their YouTube.


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