NWA Powerrr Recap (6/4/24)

A match graphic for NWA Powerrr.

NWA Powerrr opens strong this week with Pretty Empowered. Is the foundation of the Pretty Empowered relationship crumbling? With two of the three members battling in the main event against Taylor Rising, this is the toughest test for the young trip since its inception.

First Round – Crockett Cup 2024

Former Us Tag Champ AJ Cazana and younger brother KC Cazana are sitting at the #11 seed in this year’s tournament. They would go head to head with the #4 seed, Savages of Samoa. The Samoan brothers are fast and strong. They take control in the match midway through by utilizing this power and strength. When the Country Gentlemen started their comeback, AJ would sneak the victory on SOS. 

After the opening contest we would see a promo further supporting the new NWA and their support of the independent territories. The Women’s tag champs, The King Bees, and NWA world’s champion ECIII welcome a lovel DJ from Tampa to the Power Station. 

The amount of time and effort the NWA is starting to pour into the communities they visit is showing. Reinforcing these relationships with local spots, and allowing the community to feel like part of the show is top notch.

The segment would close with a map showcasing the cities hosting NWA or top-tier NWA talent. From Newport Tn to HIghland Park in Il, the NWA tries to market whether it’s a large market city like Chicago or a smaller market like Decatur Tn. 

BLK JEEZ would come out with his new client, Big Strong Mims. The promo would help shine some light on their newly formed relationship. This heel version of Mims is a more menacing Mims. Since losing the TV title and the rematch, Mims has been looking for his spot. It seems like he has found it in the Church. 

The Immortals and The Main Event

There was a segment with Carson Drake cooking in a kitchen. This was a fun segment featuring other NWA talent. These small segments aimed for laughter or a callback help keep the mood light between matches. 

The Immortals would come out ranked #4 in this years Crockett Cup and they squared off against the lucky #13 ranked The Kids. This was an uneven matchup from the start. The Kids got limited offense, but it wasn’t to be expected against the substantially larger Immortals. The star of this match was the finishing move for the team of Odinson and Kratos. Their spinning back elbow Doomsday Device, dubbed Immortality. 

The triple threat main event featured Ella Envy and Kylie Paige of Pretty Empowered and the up and coming star Taylor Rising. The three wrestlers in this match did a good job of making sure all three women stayed involved.

The dissension between Pretty Empowered would continue as Ella and Kylie would continue to get heated in the ring. Even commentary was unsure of the current standing relationship with the trio.

Ella Envy would remove Taylor rising from the equation and secure a roll up win on Kylie. This main event allowed for the former tag champs to get their story out there in battle, but also help put over an up and comer like Taylor. 

Next week on NWA Powerrr, the Crockett Cup continues and we get more answers from the Paige Sisters. 

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