Best WWE WrestleMania Ring Gear

A photo of the ring gear of Ric Flair at WrestleMania 24.

WrestleMania is a great time of year. It is the biggest show on the WWE calendar and has all the company’s might behind it. WWE spares no expense, grabbing every big name they can and adorning the arena with an impressive backdrop for the evening.

WrestleMania is also the time of year for every superstar to shine. Their time has come to do whatever they can to get noticed and steal the show. A big part of this is their ring gear. There have been some fantastic ring gear occurrences from some of the best superstars in WWE history, some worthy of WrestleMania and worthy of recognition. Below are nine such cases.

Kevin Owens – KO Mania

Kevin Owens has always been one to have his finger in the pulse of the WWE Universe. As a heel or face, he has remained relevant through a combination of great skill and an ability to stay entertaining. His ring gear at WrestleMania is a great example of this.

The old-school WrestleMania logo has a lot of nostalgic value with wrestling fans. It is a classic look and one that Owens has used brilliantly to his advantage. KO has used this logo and inserted his name at the beginning of it, giving us KO-Mania. KO-Mania is a great way for Owens to celebrate the night, and it gives us something to look forward to with his entrance every year.

The Undertaker – WrestleMania 13

The man from Death Valley will always be associated with great WrestleMania ring gear. In general, he always has some great gear, but WrestleMania is when he ups his game. He has adopted many over-the-top looks throughout, but it was his back-to-basics look at WrestleMania 13 that took the cake.

Going into his match against Psycho Sid, ‘Taker went old school with a classic look. His Undertaker garb was, more or less, the same, but his gloves and stirrups were charcoal grey, moving away from his purple attire. It was a simple yet incredibly effective move that brought back some of his lost aura.

Ric Flair – WrestleMania 24

Ric Flair’s career was always one of excess. The limousine riding, jet flying wheeling-dealing son of a gun lived his lifestyle.  He spent his money on maintaining that lifestyle in and outside of the ring. More interestingly he spends his money on some of the greatest robes in history. Including WrestleMania 24.

Flair was at the end of his career come WrestleMania and the time had come to bust out his most luxurious robe. The vibrant blue and white colors popped against each other and added importance to his gear. It was exactly what the Nature Boy needed to wear for his WWE swan song.

Rick Rude – WrestleMania V

The Ravishing One always thought he was better than everyone else. With an impressive physique and great mic skills, it was hard to argue with the man. He would ruthlessly belittle his opponent and wear some great ring trunks that would get them going even more. The best example of this was his get-up at WrestleMania V.

Rude strutted to the ring wearing gear that had the face of the Ultimate Warrior airbrushed on his backside. It was a slap in the face to the Warrior and a move that got a great reaction from the crowd. It was unique and something that was not replicated again.

Randy Savage – WrestleMania III

Randy Savage was all about pomp and circumstance. It was not just his theme song, but how he presented himself to the world. He would come to the ring in flowing robes adorned with every jewel one could imagine.

At WrestleMania III, Savage wore the best ones he had. The black and red colours contrasted with the white feathers beautifully. It was also during this contest that Savage had on his classic pink with three white star trunks. Trunks that became synonymous with the Macho Man have been referenced by many a wrestlers.

Rey Mysterio – WrestleMania 25

Mysterio was always one to go all-out for WrestleMania. Since his first appearance, donning a Daredevil-inspired getup, Rey has always been able to wow us with his ring gear. It has become such a part of his character that many look forward to what he will be wearing in the match he will be competing in.

By far one of the best, and most creative attires that WrestleMania has donned was his Joker-inspired garb from WrestleMania 25. His mask was fantastic as a homage to the Dark Knights’ antagonist. It combined well with his purple pants and white straps to complete the ensemble. It was a creative outfit that stood out among many other creative outfits.

The Ultimate Warrior – WrestleMania VI

It didn’t take long for The Ultimate Warrior to make an impression on the world. The high energy of his character was infectious, and his colourful ring gear was easy for any fan to get behind. It was exactly how the man should have been presented.

The Warrior was always in colorful attire, but at WrestleMania VI he made some tweaks that set it apart from all others. He was still adorned with his trademark tassels and face paint but for this event, he painted his chest as well. It was a small adjustment to his appearance but one that added to the importance of the main event and set this match apart from other Ultimate Warrior matches.

Shawn Michaels – WrestleMania XII

Michaels’ career has been spent wearing some of the best ring gear in wrestling. As a member of The Rockers, he was adorned in some of the most vibrant yellow. It continued when he turned heeled and adopted the Heart Break Kid persona. A person who had a great ring attire that fit his character perfectly.

HBK always brought his A-game, at WrestleMania, but when achieved his boyhood dream, he wore the best. The white tights were a great visual and provided the perfect backdrop for the silver hearts covering his legs. The entire ensemble was the best version of HBK’s long history at WrestleMania.

Seth Rollins – WrestleMania 38

As a member of The Shield,  Rollins never wore anything too inspiring. It was part of the gimmick but one that gladly went away when the Visionary hit our screens. As a cocky heel Rollins was someone who wanted all the attention, and with his ring gear at WrestleMania 38, boy did he get it.

Rollins was great in his bright blue robe as he sauntered to the ring. He matched this with a sparkly black top and see-through mesh pants that were great. It was a way to have Rollins stand out and leave a lasting memory for everyone.

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