Preview: GCW My Name Is (08/04/23)

A graphic for the GCW My Name is event.

On Friday, August 4th, Game Changer Wrestling (GCW) returns to Harpos in Detroit, MI for “GCW My Name Is ” and is bringing a stellar lineup of talent for their event. On top of the already-announced card, Jeff Hardy, Nick Gage, and Maki Itoh are scheduled to make an appearance.

Bussy vs. NOT Bang Bros

With the recent cease and desist order hitting the team formerly known as “Bang Bros”, Davey Bang and August Matthews are looking to make a new name for themselves against the likes of Bussy. This matchup will pit Experience (Bussy) against the aerial tactics of Bang and Matthews.

With EFFY and Allie Katch bringing years of experience in both singles and tag team competition, they will most likely be able to counter some of the aerial attacks but could be upended by the speed of Bang & Matthews. Surely, the winners here will be in the tag title picture sooner rather than later.

Second Gear Crew vs. The Rejects

If you are looking for a matchup that potentially features buckets of blood mixed with take no prisoner attitudes, this is your match. Both teams have long-storied runs in GCW as both singles and tag competitors. Once the bell rings, the rules go right out the doors or through them.

Cole Radrick vs. Crazy King

Raddy Daddy and Crazy King are meeting for the first time and things could get insane! Cole Radrick has repeatedly shown the fans of GCW that he can bring technical prowess to the death-match realm, and Crazy King is not going to shy away from a fight. If you want to see something new or innovative, this could be the match of the night for you!

Komander vs. Joey Janela 

In what can only be considered a clash of styles, Komander looks to see just how high Joey Janela can fly! Komander has recently been a regular feature of Janela’s previous employer, All Elite Wrestling (AEW), and this could be the catalyst for Janela to send Komander back to AEW with a receipt for the troubles.

Macizos vs. Violence Is Forever

Macizos have been running through every tag team that GCW has offered up. With their hardcore stylings and never say die mentality, Macizos look to show they can hang with ANY style. Enter: Violence is Forever. Dominic Garrini and Kevin Ku come to GCW with a trailer load of gold behind their names and a technical ability matched by very few. This matchup could breed an interesting outcome.

Sawyer Wreck vs. Parrow 

Sawyer Wreck has been running through opponents on the indie scene lately and is returning for a serious challenge in Parrow. With Parrow being a larger-than-life opponent for some, Wreck has shown no fear when it comes to taking on all-comers. This showcase has the potential to feature hard hits and BIG slams.

Masha Slamovich vs. Tommy Vendetta

When someone thinks of hard hits and blood-soaked shirts, Masha Slamovich and Tommy Vendetta should both come to mind. That being said, this could potentially be the sleeper match of the night and has the potential to visit several areas of Harpos on its way to a dramatic end. It’s guaranteed that someone leaves with an intentional injury.

Blake Christian (c) vs. Speedball Mike Bailey for the GCW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP

Blake Christian has been at the end of hate from the fans at GCW for the last 6 months, while Mike Bailey is universally adored by all fans of pro wrestling.

This match deserves a much bigger build, but it’s hard to complain when you see a potential MOTY on a card. Christian has managed to turn from a loved baby face to utterly hated by GCW fans over the past year and a loss here could be the propulsion Speedball has deserved for some time. No matter the outcome, the fans watching at home and in attendance are the winners here.

Though GCW is not as story-driven as other promotions, there is no denying that Brett Lauderdale and crew put together some great cards. August 4th in Detroit, MI looks to continue that tradition and produce a few MOTY candidates along the way. Make sure to catch it on FITE TV at 8 pm ET/7 pm CT or get your tickets for the live event. No matter how you watch “GCW My Name Is”, you’re getting the best in independent wrestling showcased.

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Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on this and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world, as well as to provide you with analysis, previews, videos, interviews, and editorials on the wrestling world. GCW Lifestyle is set to air Friday at 8 PM PDT on FITE+. Tickets for the event can be purchased via Eventbrite.


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