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Exclusive: Forbidden Door 2023 Sets First Two Dream Matches

Forbidden Door 2023 poster

Forbidden Door 2023, AEW and NJPW’s second-ever supershow, is headed to Toronto this summer and it would appear that the card is already beginning to take shape. Two sources close to LWOPW are reporting that two major dream matches are planned for the June 25th show. It should be noted however, that the card is subject to change. Last year’s Forbidden Door card was severely altered due to injuries which affected several wrestlers and several matches.

According to sources, this summer’s Forbidden Door will feature Kenny Omega taking on Will Ospreay for the IWGP United States Championship and an encounter between Bryan Danielson and Zack Sabre Jr., their first match in nearly 14 years.

Forbidden Door 2023 Card

Omega vs Ospreay II (IWGP US Heavyweight Championship)

In January of this year, fans witnessed a match many had been begging for as Omega and Ospreay met in just their second ever singles match. Their first had been at PWG eight years prior. Both men were different wrestlers by the time they locked up a second time, having spent years honing their craft in NJPW. So when the lights of Wrestle Kingdom 17 came calling, the two men were ready to prove to the world who truly was the best. When Omega left NJPW for AEW, the torch of top gaijin was passed to the newly-minted heavyweight Ospreay. And while the two had wrestled against each other in tags and multi-men matches, the Wrestle Kingdom showdown could have marked the official torch passing moment. But Omega had other ideas. With Ospreay holding the IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship at the time, Omega accepted the younger man’s challenge. In the end, it was Omega who came out on top and claimed the title he still holds today.

If reports are to be believed, in July at Forbidden Door 2023, Ospreay will get his rematch. Hopefully this time around injuries don’t derail what should be a fantastic contest as it is likely this match would have taken place on last year’s card, which Omega sadly had to miss. This year, it is Ospreay’s health that is being monitored as a recent injury forced him off of what would have been a Supercard of Honor appearance according to Tony Khan, as well as a match at NJPW and Impact’s Multiverse of Wrestling supershow.

Bryan Danielson vs. Zack Sabre Jr. III

The second announced match for Forbidden Door 2023 according to reports may be one of the most anticipated wrestling encounters in some time. It is another match that likely would have been set for last year’s show as Sabre called out Danielson to determine who the best technical wrestler in the world was. Sadly, an injury to Danielson left him unable to make the card so it was his Blackpool Combat Club teammate, Claudio Castagnoli, who stepped up to the challenge instead. And as great as that match was, Danielson vs. Sabre Jr. is a bucket list match for fans. Sure this isn’t a first time encounter or even a second time encounter at that. Forbidden Door 2023 is however, a rubber match, and one that is occurring 14 years following their match in the 16 Carat Gold Tournament quarterfinal, won by Sabre.

Both wrestlers have changed so much in 14 years. When they met in 2008 and 2009, the two were young, hungry up-and-comers. Danielson a little ahead of Sabre having already at that point been named the Best Technical Wrestler in the World for five consecutive years. But in the last decade-plus, Sabre has shown why he is every bit as good a technician as Danielson and if plans don’t change, he’ll have a chance to prove that on a huge interpromotional stage this summer at Forbidden Door 2023. Danielson, now a newly turned heel in AEW, will certainly not relinquish his crown without a fight. And with both men on the top of their games and both willing to do anything to rise to the top of their companies and the top of the business, this match should be an absolute classic. Especially if you like technical wrestling. It should be noted that from 2005 – present, these two men are the only ones to have won the award that in 2016 was renamed the Bryan Danielson Award following a nine-year run as winner. That run ended in 2014, at which point Sabre won seven-in-a-row. His own streak ended in 2021, as Danielson, now in AEW and resuming his American Dragon persona, has claimed the last two.

Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on Forbidden Door 2023 and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world. As well as to provide you with analysis, previews, videos, interviews, and editorials on the wrestling world.  You can catch AEW Dynamite Wednesday nights at 8 PM ET on TBS and AEW Dark: Elevation (Monday nights) and AEW: Dark (Tuesday nights) at 7 PM ET on YouTube. AEW Rampage airs on TNT at 10 PM EST every Friday night. You can follow NJPW on


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