The Fiery MJF Promo Set to Become a Once in a Generation Moment

MJF Promo

On last night’s episode of AEW Dynamite, Maxwell Jacob Friedman (MJF) returned to our screens and cut arguably the greatest professional wrestling promo of the past decade – one which will, in the opinion of this writer, stand the test of time alongside the greats of Dusty Rhodes‘ “Hard Times”; Stone Cold Steve Austin‘s “Austin 3:16”; the CM Punk “Pipebomb” and many more. It will become a generation-defining segment which will live long in the memory of many a fan. For MJF, who has become something of a promo master in his career so far (again, he is only 26!), it was just another Wednesday. Here’s why this promo will stand the test of time and be remembered as one of the most important in AEW’s history.

Similarities with the Pipebomb

Of those famous promos just listed, it is perhaps easiest to draw comparisons between MJF and CM Punk’s promos – especially given the comparable circumstances behind each. When CM Punk cut the famed pipebomb on June 27th 2011, there was a real-life story behind it; CM Punk’s WWE contract was coming to an end and many were uncertain of whether he would re-sign with the company. The promo, delivered by a cross-legged CM Punk on the Monday Night Raw stage, was scathing; tearing into the company’s mistreatment of talent and, more specifically, the maltreatment of talent by WWE chairman, Vince McMahon.

Similarly, MJF’s promo took on the familiar topic of a billionaire professional wrestling promoter who was misusing talent – with MJF heavily referencing how, despite being a “day one All Elite star” whose segments regularly score the highest ratings, his own contract is for less money than many (if not all) of the ex-WWE talent who are currently earning more than him. However, this promo was far more fiery than Punk’s (something once deemed impossible to achieve) as MJF referred to AEW owner Tony Khan as a “f***ing mark” who “belongs behind the rials with the fans”, whilst repeatedly using expletives in the hope that Khan would fire him. MJF also repeatedly referenced WWE by name, something which is very rarely done and something which, quite certainly, assisted this promo in achieving its intended goal.

The Story Behind the Promo

Just like the Pipebomb, this promo is almost sure to have been what is referred to as a “worked shoot”, meaning that – despite containing a lot of insider information and real-life grievances between Khan and MJF – it was agreed upon before MJF went to the ring. Whereas there clearly has been some sour grapes between Khan and Friedman in recent months, it is now looking possible that the two – who are both renowned as students of the game – are working together to turn their well-known, real-life story into a hot professional wrestling angle. Have they reconciled? Only Khan or MJF can confirm this possibility. However, what is certain is that their combined brain is working to create what is now quite easily the hottest program in all of AEW.

We have seen many attempts at “worked shoots” over the years – especially in the years since CM Punk sat down on that ramp to air his grievances. Many have been forgotten about as attempts to recapture the magic. The MJF promo in question, despite all the similarities to the Pipebomb, is a different beast; it went beyond a Pipebomb and into nuclear territory. It was heated, it was angry and it had all the real-life drama that fans crave in their pro-wrestling programming. It was, in many ways, the perfect modern professional wrestling promo and because it was delivered by MJF, who is (again) a promo master, it made it all the better. There have been many excellent promos cut in AEW in its existence so far –  from Jon Moxley‘s return from rehab, to CM Punk‘s emotional return, to pretty much any promo cut by Eddie Kingston – but this one stands out front and center as the most memorable and the most important. It looks likely that AEW is eventually headed (at least in storyline) to a civil war between AEW originals and “ex-WWE guys” and if this eventually happens, it might well be MJF who ends up as the unlikely hero  – simply because of this generation-defining promo.

More From LWOS Pro Wrestling

Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on this and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world. As well as to provide you with analysis, previews, videos, interviews, and editorials on the wrestling world.  You can catch AEW Dynamite Wednesday nights at 8 PM ET on TBS and AEW Dark: Elevation (Monday nights) and AEW: Dark (Tuesday nights) at 7 PM ET on YouTube. AEW Rampage airs on TNT at 10 PM EST every Friday night.


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