Indie Watch: Silvio Milano

Silvio Milano

Indie Watch is our regular series that looks at all of the amazing talents working the independent circuits around the world. Some are veterans revitalising their careers, some are indie prospects hitting their peaks, while others are names to be on the watch for! This edition looks at one of Australia’s rising and prominently LGBTQI performers Silvio Milano.

At just 21 years old Silvio Milano has a very bright future ahead of him. Particularly if his achievements so far are anything to go by.

Milano began his journey into wrestling under the tutelage of infamous Australian wrestler TNT at the Australian Wrestling Federation (AWF). From there Milano would go one to spread out around Sydney and New South Wales. Performing for promotions such Wrestling GO, Future Wrestling Australia (FWA), and Battle Championship Wrestling (BCW) before ultimately making it to Pro Wrestling Australia (PWA) in 2019.

Throughout his career, Milano has crossed paths with many of Australia’s top talents such as; Jessica Troy, Caveman Ugg, Marty Wahlberg, Ricky South, Jude London, Paris De Silva, Sam Osborne, Mick Moretti, Jack Bonza, AJ Istria, Madison Eagles, and Steph De Lander.

In more recent times Milano has partnered with Lex Lennock as The Silverbacks, winning the Wrestling Go Doubles Medals. A tag team championship which they have held since November 9, 2019.

Perhaps Milano’s most memorable moment though was his flamboyant entrance as part of PWA’s Rick South For The Boys event. During this entrance, Milano was accompanied to the ring by two drag queens, and even had a mid entrance wardrobe change!

As an openly gay performer Milano told J.A.M in 2019 that he had found life difficult during the early stages of his wrestling career.

“I started training when I was 15 and wasn’t always open about my sexuality because I was obviously still very young and dealing with a lot of that inside myself… I didn’t get much of an open vibe from trainers.”

According to Milano this sense of unease at his initial training school led him to make the jump across to the PWA affiliated Pro Wrestling Academy.

“Once I got a lot more creative control and the people around me were a lot more accepting of my sexuality I was able to push further. Which made me realize why I wanted to stick with wrestling.”

With Milano now embracing his LGBTQI side both internally and in his performance he has captured the hearts of many Australian fans. Look for Milano to break out on the scene following the COVID-19 lockdown.

Check out our full list of previous Indie Watches, showcasing emerging talent from around the world!

Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on this and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world.


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