Indie Watch: Aleah James

Aleah James

Indie Watch is our regular series that looks at amazing talents working the independent circuits around the world. Some are veterans revitalizing their careers. Some are indie prospects hitting their peaks. Others are names to be on the watch for! This edition looks at a bright new face on the UK scene, Aleah James.

Sometimes you just know someone is going to be a star.  From the first time you see them you are guaranteed that they will one day reach the top of the wrestling mountain.  Aleah James is one such talent!  With only thirty-five, yes thirty-five (35!) matches under her belt it’s already clear that the twenty-two-year-old will be one of the biggest stars in the UK.

James still has a ways to go before hitting her peak but the London School Of Lucha Libre alumni is an exceptional high flier who can pull off some genuinely impressive moves with ease.  She doesn’t ever dip into the territory of doing exciting moves for the sake of it and can wrestle well outside of her high flying.

It speaks volumes that despite her inexperience James has already been featured in some of the UK indie scenes top companies like Schadenfreude & FriendsPro Wrestling: EVERiptide Wrestling, and ATTACK! Pro Wrestling among others.  James even took part in the first-ever all-female main event in London Lucha League history when she battled Clementine for the LLL world title.

With the UK independent scene in need of more new women’s stars, especially with the likes of Dani Luna and Candyfloss getting signed, Aleah James is bound to become a top name on the scene sooner rather than later because the sky is the limit for this talented performer.  This writer only hopes Japan comes calling as James would be exceptional in High Speed matches in either SEAdLINNNG or Stardom and could have fun matches in Gatoh Move

Check out our full list of previous Indie Watches, showcasing emerging talent from around the world!

Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on this and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world, as well as to provide you with analysis, previews, videos, interviews, and editorials on the wrestling world.  Subscribe to Riptide, EVE, ATTACK!, and any other places mentioned to get a glimpse at Aleah James and to see a star in the making.


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