#AndNEW: AJ Gray, Rickey Shane Page Win GCW World Championship

If you have watched any Game Changer Wrestling (GCW) show in the last two years you have probably seen Nick Gage defend the GCW Championship against some of the best indie wrestlers from across the country. For 722 days, Gage has defended the title. Every GCW card a new contender would challenge Gage and Gage would win. Even winning a tournament named after him to keep his championship. It seemed like no one was going to be able to beat Gage. 

Then came Ricky Shane Page who stole possession of Gage’s title. Page would travel the world with the title taunting Nick Gage as he was unable to leave the country. The night before Thanksgiving, Ricky Shane Page sent some of his goons to try and beat Gage which ended in a catastrophe. Gage would not only beat but also kidnap Ricky’s goons

This past weekend, Gage was set to defend the title against AJ Gray, a Southern wrestler who has been making a name for himself, including an appearance in Beyond’s Discovery Gauntlet, along with being the current Crown of Glory champion in Glory Pro and the Black Label Pro Midwest Champion. AJ Gray had as good a chance as any to beat Gage for the GCW Championship. 

Three hours before the show, Ricky Shane Page was announced as appearing. Right after the second match he appeared and offered Gage his title back. Sliding it into the ring. Gage called RSP out, saying he knows what type of person Ricky Shane Page is. Ricky made Gage promise he would defend the title against RSP and Gage agreed at any time and any place. 

Finally, it was time for the main event. Nick Gage vs AJ Gray for the GCW Championship. The match started like most GCW title defenses with brawling and weapons. Out of nowhere two of Ricky Shane Page’s goon hit the ring. Gregory Irons and Atticus Cogar attacked Nick Gage. AJ Gray would toss both men out of the ring. Nick Gage was down and out. Gray would look at Gage, look at the ring post, then hit a leg drop from the top rope. He shocked everyone by getting the three count. 

The fans couldn’t believe it. AJ gray would cut hold the title up and talk about how important it was to him. Rickey Shane Page interrupted and demanded a match. The two would go back and forth for a few minutes – AJ Gray even hit a huge clothesline and it looked like he could get the win. RSP hadn’t had a match though and hit a choke breaker and picked up the win. Leaving AJ Gray with the shortest title run following the longest title run. 

Rickey Shane Page would then declare Nick Gage would never get a shot at the title as long as RSP was champion, saying he was sick of promotor Brett Lauderdale’s vanity project to get Joey Janela and Nick Gage over. He was sick of some of the best deathmatch wrestlers like G-Raver and Alex Colon having to fight over Nick Gage’s crumbs. The show ended with Ricky Shane Page holding the GCW championship with his initials spray-painted onto it high in the air. Rickey Shane Page is the new Game Changer Wrestling Champion.

Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on this and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world, as well as to provide you with analysis, previews, videos, interviews, and editorials on the wrestling world. You can catch the replay of Long. Live. GCW on FITE.tv.


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