Preview: ICW – Shug’s Hoose Party 6: Night 1 (7/27/19)

ICW Shug's Hoose Party 6

The biggest hoose party of the summer is back as Insane Championship Wrestling (ICW) return to Glasgow’s O2 Academy for the 6th annual Shug’s Hoose Party. Over two nights at the end of this month, the ICW roster will cause utter carnage as only they can, with a new World Heavyweight Champion being crowned by the end of it. That’s on night two though – here, we’re speaking about night one, which will feature a huge main event as current NXT superstar KUSHIDA makes his ICW debut!

The P.O.D (Rampage Brown & Ashton Smith) vs The Purge (Krobar & Stevie James)

Photo: ICW

It’s safe to say that the ICW tag team division has never featured this many great teams at once. From The Kinky Party (Jack Jester and Sha Samuels) to The Anti-Fun Police (Chief Deputy Dunne and Los Federales Santos Jr.) to current tag champs The Kings of Catch (Aspen Faith and Lewis Girvan), there’s an abundance of top-quality teams scrapping amongst each other. Two of those alliances will collide at Shug’s Hoose Party when The P.O.D face off with The Purge. The last time these two pairs went up against each other was at the 2018 Square Go!, a match that saw Rampage Brown and Ashton Smith cling on to their ICW Tag Team Championships after a brutal battle. Although they would fall down the metaphorical ladder after losing the titles to The Kinky Party, Rampage and Ashton have risen back through the ashes both in singles and tag team competition, including both of them challenging Lionheart for the World Heavyweight Championship earlier on this year. As for The Purge, they’re continuing to cement themselves as one of British wrestling’s rising tandems, thanks in part to their recent victory in the King of Hawners tournament alongside their Bad Company brethren BT Gunn. Regardless of who wins this bout, both teams will almost certainly be in contention for the tag titles after the weekend is all said and done.

Prediction: The P.O.D

Kez Evans vs. BT Gunn

Photo: ICW

Aaron Echo & Kieran Kelly vs The Kings of the North (Bonesaw & Damien Corvin)

Photo: ICW

Speaking of the King of Hawners tournament, a tag team match that’s stemmed from that event sees Aaron Echo and Kieran Kelly coming together once again to fend off Ireland’s premier duo The Kings of the North. Along with Andy Wild, Echo and Kelly united as The Wild Boys for the tournament, scoring a huge semifinals victory over Bonesaw, Damien Corvin, and honorary Kings of the North member Adam Maxted after Kieran utilised a surprise rollup. That loss really hasn’t sat well with the Irish lads, as they brutally assaulted Kelly in the backstage area following the match. Everyone who’s aware of Bonesaw and Corvin knows just what the team are capable of – just watch any of their matches from Over The Top Wrestling (OTT), and you’ll see just how cold and calculated the two can really be. Clearly though, Aaron Echo isn’t one to back down from them as he personally called them out at a recent Fight Club taping. It’s a bold move on Aaron’s part, but when you combine his size and power with Kieran’s speed and agility, you’ve got quite the combination. The only question left unanswered is whether or not it’ll be enough to send The Kings of the North packing back to Ireland.

Prediction: The Kings of the North

Handicap Match: Kenny Williams & Iestyn Rees vs More Than Hype (LJ Cleary, Darren Kearney & Nathan Martin)

Photo: ICW

In the last few months, Kenny Williams has gone on a tirade of sorts towards these younger wrestlers he’s chosen to dub ‘forever trainees’. Those comments have seen The Lucky Yin set his sights on the likes of Alexander Darwin MacAllan, Krieger, and Leyton Buzzard. More recently, he’s turned his attention to three Irish youngsters who recently made their ICW debuts – More Than Hype. LJ Cleary, Darren Kearney, and Nathan Martin made their first appearance in ICW as part of the King of Hawners tournament, and after being ousted in the opening round at the hands of The Kings of the North, they became the centre of attention for Kenny. While the numbers may have looked to be in MTH’s favour to begin with, that’s where big Iestyn Rees comes into the equation to even things out a bit. He and Kenny had been aligned for a number of months in RUDO Sports and Entertainment Brand in 2018, choosing to continue their alliance even after RUDO Lightning went out on his own again. Even though he’s got The Alpha Male by his side, it may not be enough to prevent the hype from taking down Kenny Williams.

Prediction: More Than Hype

Andy Wild vs Mark Coffey

Yet another contest that has come about as a result of the King of Hawners tournament will see Andy Wild step inside the ring with Mark Coffey. In the first round of the trios tournament, Wild teamed with Aaron Echo and Kieran Kelly in a winning effort over the three masked members of Mark’s masked stable The Power Forward, only to be attacked by Coffey post-match. Since that night, Coffey has come out with some rather personal comments about Wild, claiming that he’s nothing more than someone’s dad. While he is a devoted family fan away from the squared circle, The Stovie Superman is quite an accomplished performer, having previously held the ICW Zero-G Championship. Without a doubt, he’s one of the best British wrestlers not currently signed down to a contract anywhere. It should only be a matter of time before that fact changes though and then who knows, maybe we’ll be seeing these two battling it out in NXT UK. As for now though, tensions remain at an all-time between the duo.

Prediction: Mark Coffey

Paul Robinson vs Krieger

Photo: ICW

For years, Krieger has been known simply as the comedy guy in pretty much every promotion he’s worked for. While that has won him championships in promotions such as WrestleZone (WZ), Premier British Wrestling (PBW), and World Wide Wrestling League (W3L), it hasn’t really been enough to establish him as a top-tier talent in the eyes of some critics. However, a recent match with deathmatch wrestling legend Rickey Shane Page certainly helped elevate him up the rankings, with a match against Paul Robinson now on the horizon as well. This one all came about after Robinson was victorious over Krieger’s tag team partner and best pal Lou King Sharp in LKS’ final ICW match before heading off to China to wrestle for Oriental Wrestling Entertainment (OWE). The former PROGRESS Wrestling Tag Team Champion would continue his attack after the bell, and although security were originally unable to restrain him, Paul would eventually flee the scene when big Scudmaster Sexy made his presence felt. Krieger’s said it himself, he knows he isn’t the biggest on the ICW roster, he knows he isn’t the hardest. But he can go the limit. About a year or two ago, Paul Robinson would’ve had this one in the bag. Now though? It’s anyone’s game.

Prediction: Krieger

Hendry’s ICW career vs Buzzard’s freedom of speech: Joe Hendry vs Leyton Buzzard

Photo: ICW

One of the biggest matches on the first night of the weekender will see former allies collide when Joe Hendry goes one on one with Leyton Buzzard, but this won’t just be any old match. This bout has two very special stipulations; if Joe Hendry can defeat his former intern, then The Prodigy will be forced to remain silent until Fear & Loathing XII at the start of November, and also wear a mask in the process. However, if Leyton Buzzard is able to overcome his former mentor, then The Prestigious One will be forced to leave ICW for good, leaving behind him quite the career. These two have been aligned since September 2017 when Buzzard became the personal intern to Hendry, a role that he adapted to perfectly. In recent months though, the fans have started to realise just how good Leyton actually is when he gets to wrestle, something that appears to have made Joe a little bit jealous. That could very well have been the main reason for him berating Buzzard in the last few months, blaming him for everything wrong that had been happening in his ICW career. This all resulted in Leyton finally snapping, as he pointed out the fact that Joe had lost in the majority of his big situations, including in last year’s Commonwealth Games. Although it may seem like a great move on Leyton’s part to speak his mind, he needs to remember that it’s not just Joe Hendry that’s got a problem with him – it’s the whole of The Dallas Mavericks clan, which includes ICW owner Mark Dallas (hence the name). You have to imagine they’ll try to get involved at some point or another, putting Leyton at a severe numbers disadvantage here.

Prediction: Joe Hendry

The Kinky Party(Sha Samuels & Jack Jester) vs. Anti-Funn Police (Chief Deputy Dunne & Los Federales Santos Jr.)

Photo: ICW

ICW Women’s World Championship: Kasey (c) vs Aivil

Photo: ICW

Fresh off becoming a three-time Women’s World Champion, Kasey will now have to put her title on the line against one of the two women she beat to win the title, Aivil. These two have been going back and forth for months now, with Aivil getting the better of her arch-rival in an I Quit Match on the eve of Fear & Loathing XI. After Kasey made her return at the Square Go! however, her intentions became crystal clear – she wanted to be the woman to end the title reign of Kay Lee Ray, which is why she interrupted the match between KLR and current NXT UK Women’s Champion Toni Storm on that very show. The ICW historians amongst you will be aware that Kasey’s previous two title reigns also came as a result of her defeating The Queen of Insanity inside the ring. She wasn’t the only person with her eye on the prize though, as Aivil would also stake a claim to the title after impressing each and every time she stepped through the curtain. A win over Viper in Aberdeen would cement her status as a top contender to the gold, but she would be unsuccessful in her championship pursuits on night two of the King of Hawners tournament. That led to both her and The Clown Princess of Carnage receiving a crack at the gold earlier on this month in a Triple Threat Match, a match that would see Kasey crowned the champion once again. Her other two reigns with the gold weren’t that long, lasting 64 days and 84 days respectively. The Wee Man will be hoping to see his client make a successful first defence, but Aivil will have other plans in mind as she once again attempts to cement her name in the history books of ICW.

Prediction: Aivil

ICW Zero-G Championship: Joe Coffey (c) vs Liam Thomson

Photo: ICW

Ever since winning the Zero-G Championship from brother Mark at Fear & Loathing last December, Joe Coffey has had some sensational matches with the championship intact, including bouts with the likes of Andy Wild, Josh Terry, and Ilja Dragunov. The last 12 months have seen The Iron King on a meteoric rise in the wrestling world due to his work in NXT UK allowing him to be seen by a much larger audience than he previously was. While he’s been tearing it up over there, someone who’s been rising back through the ranks of ICW has been Liam Thomson. After taking a year out of the ring due to injury, The King of Sink Style made a surprise return at last year’s Shug’s Hoose Party, saving Ravie Davie from a beatdown at the hands of The Fite Network (Kid Fite, Lou King Sharp, and Krieger). In the year that’s followed, he’s picked up huge victory after huge victory, and eventually made the challenge to Joe for this title on night one of the King of Hawners tournament. Despite being an ICW veteran, the owner of that particular sink has never tasted gold in the company – will all that change come Saturday night?

Prediction: Liam Thomson

Jackie Polo vs KUSHIDA

Photo: ICW

With WWE Hall of Famer Jeff Jarrett now unable to appear at the event, ICW management were left with a huge gap to fill on their card – who would face “Just Justice” Jackie Polo in the main event of night one? Thanks to the company’s relationship with WWE, ICW head honcho Mark Dallas was able to secure a deal that will see current NXT superstar and former multi-time IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion KUSHIDA make his Scottish wrestling debut! This is undoubtedly a huge coup for ICW, and has made some fans more invested in the match than they previously were. The match will however be notable for another reason as well though – it will be the final appearance of Polo’s Just Justice persona, as he’ll be hanging up the cowboy hat after the bell has been rung. His reasoning for this is due to the recent events in the last month or so. He longer feels that it’s appropriate to be performing under this guise, which is completely fair. So then, let’s strap ourselves in for the final hurrah of good ol’ Just Justice!

Prediction: KUSHIDA

Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on this and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world, as well as to provide you with analysis, previews, videos, interviews, and editorials on the wrestling world. You can watch the show when it’s uploaded to ICW On Demand.


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