Preview: AEW – Fight for the Fallen (7/13/19)

Fight For The Fallen

This Saturday, All Elite Wrestling holds their final event before their big All Out show over Labor Day weekend in August. That show is Fight for the Fallen, an event that is very near and dear to the heart of AEW owner and president Tony Khan. What is really cool about it is that all proceeds from the gate will go to Jacksonville’s Victim Assistance Advisory Council to help victims of violent crimes. As proven in their first two shows, it is sure to be a great night of professional wrestling with the matches they have scheduled.

The Buy In: Joey Janela, Jimmy Havoc, and Darby Allin vs Shawn Spears, MJF, and Sammy Guevara

Fight For The Fallen
Photo: AEW

This is a matchup with a lot of stories going on and most importantly a whole lot of talent. Joey Janela is fresh off a loss to Jon Moxley in the main event of Fyter Fest and with it just being two weeks later, Janela is more than likely still feeling it. Jimmy Havoc and Darby Allin join Janela to make up one of the more insane six-man teams in recent memory. Havoc’s ways are well known in wrestling and for those who didn’t know Darby Allin before Fyter Fest surely do now.

On the other side is Shawn Spears, MJF, and Sammy Guevara. For Spears, he seems to be on his way to a match with Cody following the chair shot to the head heard around the world two weeks ago. MJF is continuing to be the best heel in wrestling right now and hopes to capture a victory to backup his words as well. And for Sammy Guevara, this will be his first time in an AEW ring since Double or Nothing when he lost to Kip Sabian. This should be a match to get the crowd hot early on.

The Buy In: Sonny Kiss vs Peter Avalon

Photo: AEW

Sonny Kiss and “The Librarian” Peter Avalon will both make their singles debuts against each other at Fight for the Fallen on The Buy In. We got our first glimpse of who Sonny Kiss is during the Casino Battle Royale at Double or Nothing. Kiss can be an uber entertaining part of All Elite Wrestling and can make real waves with a victory over Avalon on The Buy In. For Avalon, we have already seen what the librarian can consist of. As you would expect, it makes you want to fall asleep. While Leva Bates was unsuccessful in her first bout, Avalon has an opportunity to defeat Sonny Kiss and prove to Bates he deserves to be the true librarian.

Dark Order vs Angelico & Jack Evans vs Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus

Just announced hours ago is the special Three Way Tag Team March between The Dark Order, Jack Evans & Angelico, and the newly made alliance between Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy for a shot to move on to All Out to fight for a first-round bye in the AEW World Tag Team Championship tournament. This will mark the first match for The Dark Order (fka Super Smash Bros) since debuting with their minions at Double or Nothing. It will be exciting for them to make a splash off the bat considering they are unknown to a wide range of the audience. When it comes to Jack Evans and Angelico, you can expect some amazing combinations between the high flying team. Their lone match in AEW took place at Double or Nothing as they lost to the Best Friends. And for Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy, this is their first chance to show what they can do as a team. They have already shown they are a fun, entertaining dynamic together, now they have a chance to actually team together. Jungle Boy impressed in the Four Way match at Fyter Fest whole Luchasaurus opened eyes for the Casino Battle Royale. This should be a hot match all the way through.

SCU (Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky) vs The Lucha Bros (Fenix & Penta El Zero M)

Fight For The Fallen
Photo: AEW

Tag team wrestling is very much alive and well when it comes to AEW. This one proves that. Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky go into tag team action against the Lucha Brothers, Pentagon, and Fenix. When it comes to what both teams are looking for, it is rather different. SoCal Uncensored is looking to get back on track following them not capturing the first-round bye that was up for grabs at Fyter Fest.

And when it comes to the Lucha Brothers, the look to get their first victory since being a part AEW. This match could be the best on the entire card with the talent involved. The reigning AAA World Tag Team Champions are determined to walk out as the winner and try to gain momentum heading towards the tag team tournament to crown the first ever AEW World Tag Team Champions. Fans should be excited as this is, yet another killer matchup put together by All Elite Wrestling. Every win matters. SCU and the Lucha Brothers know that, which makes it easy to expect the best version of each team come Saturday

Brandi Rhodes vs Allie

Photo: AEW

The story that Brandi Rhodes told on episode two of “Road to Fight for the Fallen” was a real inspirational one. Her stories from when she was young and how everything occurred was something to take to heart as not just a fan but a human being. Now she returns to the ring in her first formal match since December of last year. This is Brandi’s opportunity to prove she has what it takes to perform inside the squared circle. It is difficult to dislike such a hard work ethic like Brandi Rhodes has, which is why it is exciting to see her return to the ring.

Allie is 1-0 since debuting on The Buy-In of Fyter Fest just two weeks ago in her win over Leva Bates. She has been the complete opposite of Brandi when it comes to wrestling, as she has been active all throughout the year as a part of IMPACT Wrestling. The former IMPACT Knockouts Champion looks to continue her roll as she looks to shut down the somewhat redemption story of the Chief Brand Officer.

Hangman Page vs Kip Sabian

Fight For The Fallen
Photo: AEW

Kip Sabian is getting a huge chance here to prove himself as he takes on one of the two contenders for the AEW World Championship, Hangman Page. This is the only match between two undefeated wrestlers on the card as Kip Sabian won his only match at The Buy In in Las Vegas when he defeated Sammy Guevara in an awesome opening match.

When it comes to Hangman, he has been on fire since the start. While he was scheduled to face PAC at Double or Nothing, that match was unfortunately scrapped and instead had to win the Casino Battle Royale with a bummed knee. Hangman is everything you want in a current day pro wrestler and he is proving that he is a legitimate contender. At Fyter Fest he defeated Jimmy Havoc, Jungle Boy, and MJF in a Four Way match to only continue his roll towards All Out and the biggest match of his career.

These two are in completely different situations, as Kip Sabian has everything to gain with a victory over Hangman Page and Page has everything to lose with a loss to Sabian. This should be a great mix of hard-hitting, high flying action.

Kenny Omega vs CIMA

Photo: AEW

Kenny Omega is set to take on Dragon Gate legend CIMA this Saturday and it sure is to be an awesome matchup. While Omega has had his attention mostly locked on Jon Moxley since Double or Nothing, he is one to not overlook someone like CIMA. Two weeks ago, Omega teamed with Nick and Matt Jackson to reform the original Elite. He looked like the Kenny Omega of the past few years and was able to get back on track and get his first win of 2019. The former IWGP Heavyweight Champion will fight yet another legend this year, with the first two being Hiroshi Tanahashi and Chris Jericho.

CIMA was successful in his matchup against Christopher Daniels at Fyter Fest and is carrying plenty of momentum heading into Saturday. The three-time Open The Dream Gate Champion will look to continue representing the Strong Hearts with a huge win over Omega that would really disrupt the landscape of All Elite Wrestling. Should be a cool scene to see these two incredible talents go one-on-one this Saturday.

Chris Jericho Returns to AEW

Photo: AEW

It is worth noting that Chris Jericho is returning to AEW for the first time since his victory over Kenny Omega at Double or Nothing. It has been a while of him refusing to compete or even show up until he got his thank you from AEW for the TV deal with TNT. And then they made Fyter Fest free which only angered Chris Jerico more. Now the “Ayatollah of Rock ‘n’ Rolla” takes a live open mic as a part of All Elite Wrestling and looks to make waves yet again. Does he call out his All Out opponent in Hangman Page or go another way considering he has yet to get his thank you? As fans, we sure should be excited to find out what Jericho has in mind for us.

The Young Bucks vs Cody and Dustin Rhodes

Photo: AEW

The story writes itself here. As “The Road to Fight for the Fallen” informed us, it has been 1,609 days since The Brotherhood has teamed up with each other. The battle of brothers in this one easily makes this the main event of the evening. This match was officially announced following the classic between Cody and Dustin Rhodes when Cody would ask Dustin to team with him against “the best tag team in the world” in The Young Bucks. This went from being a friendly match between two pairs of brothers who have had incredible careers as teams to a match that The Brotherhood is no longer taking as lightly.

On the third episode of “Road to Fight for the Fallen”, Cody and Dustin sat down to discuss their upcoming match and did all the build they possibly could to make this first time ever dream match extra special. Dustin explained how he loved all that the Young Bucks do in the ring but didn’t like the idea that they make fun of people, like when they teased the Rhodes Brothers of their hugging sequence at Double or Nothing on Being The Elite. Cody then brought up something that happened at dinner a few nights ago which occurred with some TNT execs.

He said that Tony Khan was talking about the incredibleness that is The Brotherhood as a tag team from their time in the WWE and how they really became one of the best teams of all-time. Kenny Omega then questioned it and didn’t really believe all that they had done while apart of WWE. This clearly angered Cody in the video which led to him admitting it got him more heated than expected. Dustin made the point that they were the first team to beat The Shield and Cody brought up how the Young Bucks continuously acknowledge The Usos tag team abilities on Twitter while they beat them two years running.

This friendly matchup has lit a fire under Cody and Dustin that allows this match to have the intensity it should have between two legendary tag teams. This really does have the best chance to be the best main event in the short history of AEW to this point. So as fans, we should sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

Fight for the Fallen is another AEW event to have excitement for as we move closer and closer to the sequel of All In, All Out. From The Buy In matches to the main event, it certainly will be an incredible night come Saturday.

Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on this and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world, as well as to provide you with analysis, previews, videos, interviews, and editorials on the wrestling world.  Fight For The Fallen will stream for FREE in North America on BR Live and is available internationally on Fite TV 


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