AEW Crashes Bar Wrestling: Hilarity Ensues (VIDEO)

On Wednesday night at Bar Wrestling 28: The Best City I’ve Ever Been To, the crowd was treated to a surprise invasion from a bulk of the All Elite Wrestling roster, as Cody Rhodes, The Young Bucks, Hangman Page, and Brandi Rhodes invaded Bar Wrestling’s ring to help fellow AEW recruits SCU (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) following a beat down against Eric Watts and The RockNES Monsters (Kevin Martenson & Johnny Yuma). Joey Ryan came out to meet his Being the Elite/All In rival Hangman Page, but the two united to take down Watts.

AEW Crashes Bar Wrestling

As Page and Ryan fought off Watts, Cody and Brandi held off Martenson and Yuma, with Brandi doing the heavy lifting. Cody would follow up with some crown surfing.

After the show, the united AEW crew talked to the fans and stated that they would have signed Joey Ryan to AEW but “he’s locked up until 2028 with Lucha Underground”, in half jest to the recent news from Ryan and Ivelisse about being held locked up with LU’s contract and uncertain future.


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