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Cody Rhodes Provides Injury Update: Needs A Scope, But Should Be Able To Continue

Pro wrestling is a physical sport. It features daily grinding, workouts, training and full contact matches – injuries are bound to happen, either from daily wear and tear or from accidents inside or outside the ring. But so far this year has seen some of the industry’s top names go down from serious injuries or health issues – from IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion Hiromu Takahashi‘s broken neck to Joey Janela‘s destroyed knee, from Roman Reigns‘ leukemia return to Triple H‘s torn pectoral muscles, a lot of names have gone down. Last week, “The King of Dong Style” Joey Ryan announced he too may have suffered a torn pec. But that wasn’t the last of them. This past weekend, Cody Rhodes – who is touring as part of Ring of Honor‘s Global Wars series with NJPW – announced he’d tweaked his knee.

Unfortunately, the issue got worse, and Cody ultimately had to pull out of his Sunday night match in Toronto, Ontario against Trent Beretta.

On Monday, Cody Rhodes met with his doctors and it appears it’s better news than feared. Luckily there was no structural damage in his knee area – no tears in the MCL, PCL or ACL – but there is damage to the meniscus and he’ll need a scope to assess further.

The good news is, that Cody Rhodes and his doctor appear confident he won’t miss his upcoming big bouts at ROH Final Battle on December 14 and at Wrestle Kingdom 13 on January 4, 2019 (although neither matches have been officially announced yet).


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