Preview: Battle Club Pro Trial By Combat (10/20/18)

Battle Club Pro is returning on October 20th with Trial by Combat. This is also their two-year anniversary show! There is a ton in store at this show to celebrate two years of this promotion. Battle Club Pro (BCP) also has a new commissioner in Dan Ryckert. We’ll have to wait and see if his reign is fair or not. If you can’t make it out to Trial By Combat, it will be streaming on the Title Match Network.

Maria Manic vs. EFFY

Photo: Battle Club Pro

First up, we have Maria Manic taking on EFFY. It will be “The Maneater” versus the self-proclaimed “Manic-eater.” Maria is a bodybuilder aside from being a wrestling wrecking machine. She has a reputation that precedes her; that she can and will seek to destroy anyone. It doesn’t matter if her opponent is a man or a woman. EFFY may be sassy and glamorous, however, don’t let that fool you. Like Maria, his mission is to seek and destroy. When these two finally collide, it will not be pretty.

Jimmy Havoc vs. Darius Carter

Photo: Battle Club Pro

Darius Carter has been the ace of Battle Club Pro, having been there since the first show. The Father of Change has multiple championships under his belt. Has he ever faced an opponent like Jimmy Havoc though? Jimmy F’N Havoc is not new to BCP either. The last time we saw Jimmy at BCP, there were chairs, thumbtacks and an ax involved. Havoc is insanely unpredictable and fearless. He doesn’t care if he’s hurt or bleeding, he just wants to win at all costs. In an interesting note, Darius Carter helped Jimmy Havoc get a win at BCP’s first event, Bash in the Bronx. It looks like we’ll see how Jimmy intends to repay Carter this, two years later.

Battle Club Pro Icons Championship Match: Harlow O’Hara (c) vs. Aerial Monroe

Photo: Battle Club Pro

This match will have Harlow O’Hara’s Icons Championship on the line. The priestess of the Church of Harlow will attempt to convert Aerial Monroe. “Big Swole” is making her BCP debut and she looks to make a big splash. The Mae Young Classic competitor would love nothing more than to walk away with O’Hara’s title. Monroe may very well be stronger than Harlow. Harlow has a bit of a size advantage, as well as mind games on her side. Will the Church of Harlow stand through another service? Or will Aerial Monroe pillage it and walk away with the gold?

Matt Macintosh vs. Homicide

Photo: Battle Club Pro

“The Bad Apple” Matt Macintosh is on fire on the Northeast wrestling scene. His opponent was originally scheduled to be Mark Haskins. Haskins, however, had to pull out due to unforeseen circumstances. Macintosh’s new opponent is none other than Homicide, who is returning to Battle Club Pro at Trial by Combat. The world traveled veteran is always ready to let his inner “5150” out. These two have never faced off before, and Macintosh mentioned on social media that this was a dream match of his. When these two hook-up in the squared circle, we will see who really is bad.

Brody King vs. Anthony Bowens

Photo: Battle Club Pro

The straight edge So-Cal sensation, Brody King, is bringing his brand of violence to Battle Club Pro. The Vigilante Anthony Bowens looks to take King out before he can take over. Brody King has been taking over the independent wrestling scene in 2018. The rocker-cum-wrestler is ready to destroy the handsome model-actor Anthony Bowens. This looks to be a true smashmouth style contest as these two bulls lock horns. Which of these promising superstars will survive Trial By Combat?

FIP Tag Team Championship Match: The End (Odinson & Mike Parrow) w/Drennan (c) vs. Federated (Mik Drake & Brute Van Slyke) w/Mike Orlando and Mr. Martinez

Photo: Battle Club Pro

The powerful tag team known as The End are itching for a fight. The Federated are ready to answer that challenge. Recently a WWN Live video was posted where Drennan upped the ante of this match. This is when the wrinkle was added that this match would be for the Full Impact Pro (FIP) Tag Team championship. Mik Drake and Brute Van Slyke aren’t afraid though. They’ve responded on social media confirming this fact. This is another huge clash of titans and only one team will (hopefully) walk out the winners.

The Lynch Mob (Joey & Matt Lynch) vs. The Diamond Dogs (Graham Bell & Luke Langley)

Photo: Battle Club Pro

Continuing with the tag team theme, we have more tag match action. Joey and Matt Lynch are finally making their debuts for Battle Club Pro. They will be taking on Graham Bell and Luke Langley, the Diamond Dogs. The Dogs, like the Federated, are not sweating their assigned opponents. Graham Bell said on Twitter: “It’s funny really. They’re called the Lynch Mob but they can’t hang with us.” The only way to find out which of these teams will survive their Trial By Combat is by tuning in.

Team Tasha Steelz (Tasha Steelz & Davienne) vs. Team Ryckert (The Maine State Posse – Alexander Lee, DangerKid, and Aiden Aggro) w/ Commissioner Dan Ryckert

Photo: Battle Club Pro

One of Commissioner Ryckert’s first acts as BCP commissioner was to challenge his old foe Tasha Steelz to a match at Trial By Combat. Tasha responded almost immediately, stating that she would be teaming with Davienne to face whoever Ryckert could find. Ryckert decided to place his hopes of revenge on the Maine State Posse. The trio of Alexander Lee, DangerKid and Aiden Aggro are making their BCP debuts and hope to impress their new boss. Tasha kicked Commissioner Ryckert in the balls some time back, which is what has spurred his journey to revenge.

Danny Maff vs. Mr. Grim

Photo: Battle Club Pro

This one is going to be best defined by the term “hoss fight.” Danny Maff is a rough and rugged veteran is returning to BCP at Trial By Combat. His opponent is none other than the Contract Killer, Mr. Grim. Neither of these men are known for “pretty” wrestling, just down and out brawling. Whichever man gets his hand raised will have definitely earned his victory like a true combat warrior.

Super Swol Fatal Four-Way Match: Mike Verna vs. Shane Mercer vs. AJ Gray vs. Steve Gibki

Photo: Battle Club Pro

The Man of Steel Mike Verna and Shane Mercer are making their returns to Battle Club Pro. AJ Gray and the Jock Steve Gibki are making their debuts for BCP as well. This will be an interesting match as we have four very distinct performers in the ring at the same time. It’s anybody’s game and the pressure is on with so many wrestlers on the card to stand out. It may be one of these gentlemen making their mark by surviving this Trial By Combat.

Battle Club Pro is going all out for their huge two-year anniversary celebration show. The card is stacked already with announced matches, and there is a big list of people who are announced to appear as well. Set to return are The Cannibal Savannah Evans, The Masons, Yanyah, the Abominable CPA, Trevor Aeon, and Pretty Boy Smooth. Some other debuts are Sugar Dunkerton, Devin Driscoll, Puf, Kevin Blackwood, Andros the Greek and Eddy Only. Those aren’t the only ones! Also set to debut are Derek Direction, “The Red Death” Daniel Garcia, Montana Black, Marcus Marquee and Joey Ace.

Once again, Trial By Combat takes place on October 19th. There are still some tickets available, so if you are in the New Jersey area, you can hit up Trial By Combat in person. If you aren’t, don’t you worry because it will be available streaming and on-demand on the Title Match Network.


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