IWA Florida Ready For Its First Set of Tapings

Savio Vega’s International Wrestling Association: Florida is ready to have their first show in the sunshine state. The tapings will be produced by former WWF Superstar and previous owner of IWA PR, Savio Vega, and former TNA, IWA and WWC commentator Willie Urbina.

Previously, Savio Vega had tried the angle to bring back the IWA to Puerto Rico, but, as we stated previously, that was almost impossible. Vega decided to pack his bags and developed a new project in Florida with his old friend Urbina that could deliver new stars – IWA Florida.


Many of the talents chosen for the tapings have Puerto Rican heritage. The main names that jump out of the tapings are Oraculo and Serpentico. Both with Mecha Wolf 450 and WWE Superstar Lince Dorado, they were part of the indie stable, Lucha World Order. They brought agility, insane displays of aerial moves and great matches. Orcaulo is a great luchador, wrestling in The Crash Lucha Libre, and Serpentico has recently doing everything, from NXT to IMPACT Wrestling to Ring of Honor. Both will make a huge impact in the new company of Savio Vega.

Syler Andrews

Other names that standout are former World Wrestling Council Junior Heavyweight Champions Syler Andrews and Samuel Adams. Both are Puerto Rican and have plenty of experience in the wrestling scene in the United States and Puerto Rico. Both have worked with Savio, especially Andrews, who worked as editor at one time of World Wrestling League. Moreover, Sr.C, who was part of the last crop of new generation talents that IWA PR produced and that has been working in the Florida indie scene and Atlanta, will be at the tapings too.

Veritgo Rivera (Photo: Contralona)

Other standout name is Vertigo “The Cure” Rivera. He was trained in the WXW wrestling school in Florida and has been to tryouts with WWE. Vertigo brings ton of experience and mentorship to the newly formed company. The IWA Florida taping is set to take place on October 27 in the Pro Wrestling 2.0 gym.



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