The Time is NOW: Mike Mendoza’s Moment for Supremacy in Puerto Rico

World Wrestling League seems to be on a roll lately. With all the turmoil and changes, the company has a solid grip for the number one spot of Puerto Rican Wrestling. Recently, that grip will be put to the test with one of their most talented and promising wrestlers, The Scorpion himself Mike Mendoza.

From Judas to Scorpion 

The journey of Mendoza in WWL goes back to 2017. In that year, Mendoza was arguably the next heel face of World Wrestling Council. He won the Puerto Rico championship in that years biggest Puerto Rican wrestling event.

Mendoza later joined the promising faction of El Sindicato, who had Ray Gonzalez as their leader. It seemed that the Judas was on the right path, later winning the WWC Tag Team Championship wile holding the Puerto Rican title. It was the perfect match for the heel stable in WWC, Mendoza had the talk, the physic and the talent to become the next WWC Universal Championship and, the worthy archenemy of Mr.450 – back then the face of WWC.

But, that soon would fizzle, as WWC’s tired mentality of choosing past their prime veterans over promise and youth. Mr. 450 would leave WWC and joined the WWL, which at the time had a working agreement with Konnan and The Crash. Mendoza, unhappy of how things in WWC played out, saw a opportunity in the alliance of The Crash and WWL and jumped ship in May alongside Angel Fashion to join the rising wrestling promotion.

An Scorpion has risen 

In WWL, Mike Mendoza quickly showed his worth. His matches against JC Navarro and LAX put him on top of many of his peers in the company. Opportunities started to arrive. Ohio, Mexico and Florida wanted to test his skills. Even WWE gave him a try-out in their Performance Center. It was a matter of “when”, not “if” Mendoza is going to make it to the top of the card.

After the return of WWL in April after Hurricane Maria, Mendoza quickly when after the tag team title with his partner Angel Fashion. The series of matches against Primos Melendez and Westside Mafia garnered them a lot of attention. Just recently, their Tables, Ladders & Chairs match topped the list of every fan in Puerto Rico as the match of the year in the island.

The Time is NOW

In the last WWL tapings, Mike Mendoza intervened in the WWL Championship main event. He attacked both Mecha Wolf 450 and BJ and held high the WWL Heavyweight Championship as his next price.

Is a no-brainer for the company. Mendoza skills has only gotten better. His background in freestyle wrestling and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gives him a legitimacy that many wrestlers in the island lack. Mendoza could well give us a classic with Mecha Wolf 450 at the end of the year and, as a heel, even better. Mendoza, who started as a young promising wrestler in companies like IWA PR and WWC, now has the opportunity of a lifetime and WWL will be stupid to not know that the time is now for the reign of the Scorpion.


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