Preview: AAW Seize The Day (9/8/18)

AAW Seize the Day

Many of the top stars in the AAW Pro promotion have become household names in IMPACT Wrestling the past year from OVE (Sami Callihan, Dave Crist and Jake Crist) to Dezmond Xavier to “The Smokeshow” Scarlett Bordeaux. It was AAW Pro after all that booked the 2016 feud between Sami Callihan and Pentagon Jr that still rages today.

AAW Seize The Day on September 8 will feature a great mixture of veteran talent and athletes on the rise. AAW Pro has recently watched Keith Lee and Matt Riddle leave it’s doors for the fresh pastures in WWE NXT so several young sensations have a real chance of going up the card after victories. ACH and The Besties In The World (Davey Vega and Matt Fitchet) have proven to be more than capable of being fighting champions in 2018 but that all ended last weekend at Defining Moment and the matches on Seize The Day are no longer Championship matches. Let’s take a close look at what could happen at AAW Seize The Day with the complete match card before we head to the annual AAW Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament on September 28 and 29. You can catch recent/archived AAW shows on the Highspots Wrestling Network.

AAW Seize The Day (9/8/18)

Stephen Wolf vs Paco

Photo: AAW

Paco has been gaining momentum and much needed confidence after several multi-man matches in the past, Wolf was pinned by an inside cradle from Paco at AAW Destination: Chicago in a singles match. Wolf took his frustrations out on Paco after the match with a beat down, leading to this rematch. Both have less than five years experience in wrestling and they will only continue to perfect their styles with every match. Wolf has the edge by showing a whole new attitude and being trained by former NWA world champion, Harley Race.

Prediction: Stephen Wolf wins.

Myron Reed vs DJZ

Photo: AAW

Myron Reed is on the fast track to becoming the acrobatic locker room leader in the future like the men he looks up to and locks up with every month. Teddy Hart may have defeated Myron Reed this year in a match that was streamed free on Facebook as a pre show this year, but it took a top rope Canadian Destroyer to put down Reed for the three-count. Experienced high-risk stars in AAW like AR Fox have paved the way for “Hot Fire” and this is another big test against an IMPACT Wrestling star. Former X-Division champion DJZ gets to highlight his performances better in longer matches in AAW Pro, the action will still be wrestled at a sprint pace even if DJZ has triple the years in the ring that Reed has. Myron Reed usually takes one chance too many like dives to the floor that he shouldn’t do so early in a match and it might cost him. DJZ is a former AAW Heritage champion and one DZT away from victory but something about Reed’s resiliency says it’s Myron Reed’s time to leave opening matches for bigger glory.

Prediction: Myron Reed wins.

Joey Ryan vs Bucky Collins

Photo: AAW

This Saturday, Bucky Collins steps in the ring to match sleaze with “The King Of Sleaze” himself. Joey Ryan is either even more popular or hated depending on personal taste after All In, Ryan brings fun to pro wrestling that is sorely lacking in some promotions. Bucky Collins is also known as Buck Nasty, the thirty-one year old can manage with the best of them but this an opportunity to earn a good reputation in AAW Pro. AAW Pro brings many entertaining independent acts from United States that many haven’t had the chance to see yet and Bucky is one of them. This will be the most entertaining match of the night for those that enjoy lollipops with the grappling in the middle of the card. Ryan takes home the victory because he can get serious and is a big opportunist when it comes down to the finishing stretch.

Prediction: Joey Ryan wins.

Chicago Streetfight: Jimmy Jacobs vs Jake Crist

Photo: AAW

The chaos that went down with Sami Callihan at AAW Defining Moment almost got Callihan kicked out of the building by security for throwing chairs around the arena. Sami Callihan defeated Jimmy Jacobs that night in a brawl and that same weekend, AAW Heavyweight Champion Brody King and Jimmy Jacobs defeated Sami Callihan and Jessicka Havoc in a tag team match at Destination: Chicago. Jake Crist and Jimmy Jacobs go back a decade in AAW Pro, even if this doesn’t settle the score, it will be a violent spectacle. Jacobs has just four years experience on Jake Crist but that could be the difference and he is arguably willing to take the Street Fight rules even further than anyone else.

Prediction: Jimmy Jacobs wins.

The Besties In The World (Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett) vs Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz

Photo: AAW

Davey Vega and Mat Fitchett did a lot more as AAW Pro tag team champions than many fans would have thought 2018. Colt Cabana and Juice Robinson even went down in defeat to the tag team former champions but that all ended in at AAW Destination Chicago to WRSTLING (David Starr and Eddie Kingston). It’s the chemistry and alliance with Scarlett Bordeaux that have made The Besties In The World live up to their name. Davey Vega has over ten years of wrestling experience and Fitchett has picked up to the game as quickly as anybody in the business. Dezmond Xavier and Zachary Wentz are former AAW Pro tag team champions having feuded with Dave Crist and Jake Crist of OVE for much of their careers. Xavier and Wentz are now known as The Rascalz in Pro Wrestling Guerilla (PWG) and they have earned much more notoriety in America in the past year but they haven’t left the company that made them what they are just yet. The lovely valet Scarlett Bordeaux has been getting involved in Besties In The World matches lately and Fitchett doesn’t seem to enjoy it as much as Davey Vega so it may backfire if interference is attempted on Went and Xavier just like when they lost the titles. At the end of the chaos it will be the iconic theme playing for Besties In The World as they look to earn a rematch for the AAW tag team championships and settle their differences aside about Scarlett Bordeaux.

Prediction: The Besties In The World win

ACH vs Eddie Kingston

Photo: AAW

ACH has been at the very top of AAW Pro all summer long and that’s not just because he is one of the brightest and most exciting young prospects in pro wrestling. ACH is so innovative he has many ways to win a match aside from the explosive 450 Splash, ACH also executes a picture perfect Brainbuster and has counter wrestling skills far beyond his years in wrestling. The former AAW champion has been at war with the WRSTLING faction all year, Jeff Cobb and David Starr along with Trevor Lee all failed in their title matches against ACH while representing WRSTLING. ACH always gives the fans an outstanding main event and even WWE NXT’s Keith Lee lost to ACH when the big gold belt was on the line. Jeff Cobb presented the biggest challenge to ACH at AAW: Destination Chicago last weekend, ACH left far from unscathed. This may all be the master plan of WRSTLING, to antagonize the champions in the company until they hold all the gold. Instead, Brody King walked away as the new AAW Heavyweight champion. Trevor Lee is already the AAW Heritage champion for WRSTLING, Eddie Kingston just has to wrestle his best match and he walks out the winner over the elite high-flyer. Kingston is a former CHIKARA Grand champion, the spinning backfist and brawling will keep ACH so far off his game it could be quick night for ACH. “The Mad King” will give ACH the fight of his life but ACH is the future and Kingston is the veteran to give ACH another massive key victory in his career.

Prediction: ACH wins.

You can watch the replay of Destination Chicago now on Highspots Wrestling Network, as well as Seize the Day in the coming weeks.

Photo: Highspots


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