STARMAN: 5 Best of Star Roger’s Year CWA Reign

Last Sunday (12/17), Championship Wrestling Association (CWA) provided a unique show in its class. In what has been a turbulent era for Puerto Rican wrestling, especially in autumn, when Hurricane María devastated Puerto Rico and left the wrestling scene in a dark stage without any big shows. Star Roger has been our bright light at this stage. Surely, the one-year reign as CWA’s Heavyweight champion – formerly known as “The Sensational” Carlitos – has been the best this year in the Puerto Rican scene. Who would never have been the main champion of a remarkable company on the island, has loaded the CWA with quality of struggle and consistency.

Photo: CWA

This Sunday, Roger will face the multiple time WWC Universal champion, Mighty Ursus, in a unique match and for the first time in history. The CWA championship is again in the spotlight for the Puerto Rican public and without wrestling events by World Wrestling Council (WWC) and World Wrestling League (WWL), CWA has taken advantage of the absence to be noticed, especially with its undisputed champion.

Photo: CWA

In honor of Star Roger’s reign as CWA Heavyweight Champion – the first one-year reign of any major champion on the island this decade – we give you the top 5 matches of Star Roger’s CWA championship reign.

STARMAN: 5 Best of Star Roger’s Year CWA Reign

5. vs. Maxx Stardom (CWA: Supremacy 2017)

Mostly known in the state of Florida, Maxx Stardom was an interesting challenge for Roger. The man was one of the heaviest the Puerto Rican had ever faced in this reign and brought a style to which Roger only experienced off the island. The combination of gutbusters, codebreakers and high impact hits put Roger in trouble, but in the end the latter would overtake the descendant of Cubans to retain the CWA Championship.

4. vs. Super Crazy (CWA: Desafío 2017)

Summer proved to be the beginning of the challenges for Star Roger, when in the main event of Desafío, he defended the CWA Championship against Super Crazy. The “Insane Luchador” has a broad background in Puerto Rican wrestling, with this in the first event in history of Ring of Honor, capturing the IWA Intercontinental Championship  against Eddie Guerrero – also, the first to do so. Both were measured in a battle where the international experience of the Mexican veteran could not be imposed on Roger. The latter (Roger) was superior in several facets, either aerial or high-impact hits, surviving the triplet of Moonsaults of Crazy and in the end with Roger putting a punctual ending point for the count of 3.

3. vs. Cuervo (CWA: Implantando Respect)

It is a pity that the fight is not in its entirety, but this was a dream fight that many would like to see in its entirety. It seemed that Roger’s challengers would have diminished by the end of summer and beginning of the fall, but, in came the “Most ExtremeCuervo. This last one would come unhappy with his past employerWWC – and in CWA, he would like to prove himself as a star fighter. The fight In the end, Cuervo was respectful before the monarch and in such a way, elevating said reign.

2. vs. Mike Mendoza vs. DJ Z vs. Robbie E (CKCW: Anniversary)

Photo: CKCW

A former TNA X Division Champion (DJ Z or Zema Ion), a former TNA World Tag Team Champion (Robbie E) and probably the most potential fighter in Puerto Rico and who would have a WWE tryout weeks before (Mike Mendoza), looking to capture the CWA Championship by Starr Roger. It was ridiculous to think that this fight would not steal the show at the biggest event of the year at Cleveland Knights Championship Wrestling in Palma, Ohio. It was the second time that the championship was defended outside the island – the first was in that state against Extreme Tiger – and what a way. Everyone present saw how – in contrast to how they move in Puerto Rico – Puerto Ricans could be on the same level as talents of the independent scene. The match was full of crazy “spots” with probably the best ending composed by some fighter on the island this year, when Mike Mendoza was looking for Go To Sleep, but Roger inverted in a Canadian Destroyer for the count of 3.

1. vs. Jay Lethal (the coronation)

The one that started this historic reign and the best fight of 2016. When entering this match, nobody would have high expectations, all presumed that, although Jay Lethal lost the CWA championship, it would not make a difference, given that it was thought that Roger was going to be in a short period and ultimately losing a title with one of the CWA regulars. This was not a case … Roger vs. Lethal – who at that time would come from a historic reign as World Champion of ROH – was an instant classic, with Roger throwing the full arsenal and Lethal trying to counteract everything thrown at him by then known as Carlitos. The fight would end with a beautiful Spanish Fly and the rest would be history.


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