NXT Recap: (5/3/17) – The NXT Women’s Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal

What is Hideo Itami up to this week? Additionally, who came out on top in the Battle Royal for a shot at the NXT Women's Championship? Let's find out.

Did you miss NXT this week? Well, I’m here to make it all better. It’s the weekly NXT Recap, right here at Last Word on Pro Wrestling. Did you miss last week’s recap? Check it out and catch up here.

So, what is one Hideo Itami going to do this week? Additionally, who came out on top in the Women’s Battle Royal to become the number one contender for the NXT Women’s Championship? Let’s find out, shall we?

NXT Recap: (5/3/17) – The NXT Women’s Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal

Match: Killian Dain vs. Danny Murch

As our show opens, we finally get to see Killian Dain in singles action. And once again, Danny Burch just wasn’t ready for this one. You can see potential with this guy, but he keeps getting fed to other wrestlers. At this point, he might as well be a jobber. Maybe he’ll get his moment in the sun at some point. However, that point was not tonight as Dain absolutely obliterated him. There were very few points during this match where you thought Burch even had a chance. Surprisingly enough though, we saw a lot of true athleticism from Killian Dain. Maybe someday, he can be something outside of SAnitY.

Segment Grade: C+

Match: Heavy Machinery vs. Kunsman and Watts

Jeez, Heavy Machinery are just too much for this tag team division right now. Then again, they faced a couple of jobbers this week. Between the two of them, this was just absolute domination. Okay, using enhancement talent is necessary, but two matches in a row? That seems odd. Anyways, with one swift move, Otis Dozovic took both of them out. Just as quick as this thing started, it was over. Following the match, Heavy Machinery made their message clear: they want the Authors of Pain. According to them, it’s about time that they ate. Weird statement for a team that revolves around a construction worker gimmick. At this point, it’s becoming pretty clear that they and DIY will face the Authors in a triple threat match at Takeover: Chicago.

Segment Grade: B-

Match: Kona Reeves vs. Hideo Itami

Finally, Hideo Itami came back to proper in-ring action. But before the bell could ring, Kona Reeves took a cheap shot at him during Itami’s entrance. Itami looked rattled, but ultimately got back to his feet. And then almost immediately, Itami took the upper hand. Although Reeves had the size advantage, it’s relatively clear that he isn’t ready yet. But Hideo Itami feels like he’s been on the yellow brand forever. Following a series of injuries, it’s really nice to see him back in the ring again. Still, it’s amazing just how pinpoint accurate and methodical Itami’s style is. Seriously, it’s almost mesmerizing. And with one swift Go To Sleep, Itami showed that he’s back. And better than ever.

Segment Grade: B+

Backstage: Regal’s Next Announcement

Following another break and a look at Roderick Strong, we went backstage to Bobby Roode. With him was NXT General Manager William Regal, who announced his next opponent. Or rather, a match for his next opponent. That same Roderick Strong will face Hideo Itami next week to determine the number one contender for the NXT Championship.

Segment Grade: B

Match: NXT Women’s Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal

Finally, yellow brand fans got the women’s match they had waited all night for. Fifteen of NXT‘s top women competitors took the ring in a Battle Royal to determine the number one contender. In the back, Asuka and her NXT Women’s Championship waited. As the women made their entrances, two things became clear. First of all, Lacey Evans has a great entrance theme. Also, Liv Morgan is still in her pursuit to become a more tolerable Carmella. But all tongue-and-cheek humor aside, what happened in this match? Let’s run it down.

The first to get an elimination were Kay and Royce eliminating Victoria Gonzalez. From there, the “Iconic Duo” became the story of the match. As with any Battle Royal, alliances will form. Of course, it helps if the alliance already exists at the start of the match. The Iconic Duo dominated the ring for a while, but ultimately,  took them out. The final four women were as follows: Ember Moon, Peyton Royce, Ruby Riot, and Nikki Cross. Then Moon, Riot, and Cross. And then…Asuka? After that, the bell rang, and chaos ensued. Finally, it was announced by Regal that all three women would be number one contender. A fatal four way women’s match? Yes.

Segment Grade: A-

A Hundred Words or Less

Tonight, we saw Heavy Machinery call their shot with the Authors of Pain. Additionally, Killian Dain showed off his athleticism against a lost-looking Danny Burch. After that, Hideo Itami returned to action against one Kona Reeves, who has now gone to sleep. Finally, Asuka now has a number-one contender to her NXT Women’s Championship. Or rather, three number one contenders. Overall, this show’s final grade is a B.


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